Hemorrhagic Diathesis - Types, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment

Hemorrhagic Diathesis - Types, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment
Hemorrhagic Diathesis - Types, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment

Hemorrhagic diathesis

Brief description of the disease

Hemorrhagic diathesis
Hemorrhagic diathesis

Hemorrhagic diathesis is a group of diseases that are characterized by an increased tendency of the body to bleeding and hemorrhage.

Hemorrhagic diathesis has a different etiology and development mechanisms.

Types of hemorrhagic diathesis

Hemorrhagic diathesis can occur as an independent disease, as well as develop in other diseases. In this case, they speak of secondary hemorrhagic diathesis.

Also distinguish:

- congenital or hereditary hemorrhagic diathesis. Hereditary hemorrhagic diathesis appears in children and accompany a person throughout his life. Typical for such diseases as hemorrhagic telangiectasia, various hemophilia, Glanzmann's disease, thrombocytopathy in children, etc.

- acquired hemorrhagic diathesis in children and adults is a manifestation of diseases associated with blood clotting and the state of the vascular wall. These include hemorrhagic purpura, hereditary and disaggregated thrombocytopathy, hemorrhagic vasculitis, vascular damage in liver disease, drug poisoning, infections.

Types of hemorrhagic diathesis

Depending on the causes and mechanism of development, the following types (groups) of diathesis are distinguished:

- diathesis, which are caused by a violation of platelet hemostasis. This group includes thrombocytopathies and thrombocytopenias. They can also occur with impaired immunity, kidney and liver diseases, viral infections, under the influence of chemotherapy and high doses of radiation.

- diathesis that occurs due to a violation of blood clotting. This group includes such diseases as hemophilia A, B, C, fibrinolytic purpura, etc. These diathesis can occur as a result of taking anticoagulants or fibrinolytics.

- diathesis caused by a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall. These include vitamin C deficiency, hemorrhagic vasculitis, hemorrhagic telangiectasia and other diseases.

- diathesis arising from both platelet hemostasis and blood clotting disorders. This group includes von Willebrand disease, thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. Such diathesis can occur with radiation sickness, hematological malignancies and other diseases.

Types of bleeding in hemorrhagic diathesis

There are five types of bleeding.

Hematoma type of bleeding - usually observed in hemophilia, with large bruises, hemorrhages in the joints, bleeding after operations.

Capillary type of bleeding is characteristic of thrombocytopenia, hereditary and disaggregated thrombocytopathy. With this type of bleeding, there are minor hemorrhages in the form of petechiae or ecchymosis, as well as bleeding from the nose, gums, uterine and stomach bleeding.

Mixed type - characterized by the presence of hematomas and small spotty rashes on the skin. It is observed when taking a large number of anticoagulants and thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.

Purple type - characterized by small symmetrical rashes on the lower limbs. This type of bleeding occurs with hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Microangiomatous type of bleeding - characterized by recurrent bleeding. It occurs with hereditary disorders of the development of small vessels.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis

The main symptom of the disease is the presence on the body of various rashes, the nature and localization of which depend on the type and type of disease. Bleeding and hemorrhage, extensive hematomas are possible. In severe cases, the rash turns into ulcers. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting mixed with blood may be disturbing.

Diagnostics of the hemorrhagic diathesis

Diagnosis of the disease consists in determining the cause of the hemorrhage. For this, general blood and urine tests are prescribed, as well as biochemistry, a coagulogram (analysis to determine coagulability), an analysis to determine the content of trace elements in the blood serum. They also determine the total time of blood clotting, the concentration of prothrombin, carry out prothrombin and thrombin tests. To diagnose the disease, immunological tests are used, as well as other tests that the doctor will prescribe.

Treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis

With avitaminosis C, which affected the development of hemorrhagic diathesis, prescribe ascorbic acid
With avitaminosis C, which affected the development of hemorrhagic diathesis, prescribe ascorbic acid

Treatment depends on the type and type of diathesis, as well as on the mechanism of bleeding.

If there are diseases such as vasculitis and thrombocytopenic purpura, then treatment with corticosteroid drugs is used. With avitaminosis C, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, rutin are prescribed. If the patient is concerned about profuse and frequently recurring bleeding, surgery is indicated with the removal of the spleen. For hemophilia, blood or plasma transfusions are used. The development of anemia involves the appointment of iron preparations, adherence to a diet.

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