Sweet on a diet

Many people are very sensitive to sweets, even remembering how many calories are in sweet. Avoiding sweets on a diet for these people seems like a real torment. In addition to high calorie content, sweets, according to many nutritionists, contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are the real enemies of a slim figure. Not surprisingly, any weight loss diet requires avoiding high-calorie sweets and baked goods. But immediately getting rid of buns, sweets, tea with sugar is actually very difficult, since sugar that enters the bloodstream from sweet foods can dramatically increase the level of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is the so-called "happiness hormone", which is responsible for the appearance of short-term good mood and a surge of energy.
However, you should not completely abandon sweets on your diet. As you know, glucose is simply necessary for the brain to function, but in an amount of no more than six teaspoons a day. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, you just need to replace high-calorie sweet foods and starchy foods with foods that contain the "correct" glucose. Eat bran bread made with whole grain flour instead of wheat bread.
Sweet on a diet: what are the useful sweets?
From sweets on a diet, instead of high-calorie sweets, you can afford the following goodies:
- Dried fruits. Dried fruits are the same fruits, only dried. As you know, dried fruits have a lot of useful substances, respectively, they are much more useful than cakes.
- Muesli bars are a great sweet on a diet. Muesli can make you feel fuller and can also lower cholesterol and improve digestion. On top of that, they contain many trace elements.
- Honey. Honey is an ideal substitute for sugar. As you know, it is able to fully satisfy the body's need for vitamins, improve immunity and mood.
- Marshmallow and marmalade. They are free of fat and contain agar or pectin.

Dried fruits are much sweeter than fresh fruits due to their fructose content. In addition to saturating the body with trace elements: calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium, they also cleanse the intestines due to their high fiber content.
From dried fruits as a sweet on a diet, you can use:
- Raisins are almost as healthy as fresh grapes. It is very effective in osteoporosis and calms the nervous system;
- Prunes - have a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. It is able to slightly lower blood pressure and normalize intestinal motility, thereby relieving constipation. Due to the content of vitamins that improve vision, it is very useful for those people who sit at the computer a lot;
- Dried apricots - contains a large amount of potassium, therefore, improves heart function and is the prevention of cancer;
- Dates - increase the energy of the body, therefore they are simply irreplaceable for those people who find it difficult to wake up in the morning. They also help with headaches and colds;
- Figs are good cancer prevention. It also normalizes the thyroid gland and expels parasites from the intestines.
Remember that even the sweets listed above should be eaten in moderation and only in the first half of the day, so that the body has time to use up the calories eaten.
Do not be upset if you cannot immediately completely abandon harmful sweets on the diet. Each organism perceives food differently: it is easy for someone to give up flour and unhealthy sweets on the diet, replacing them with diet breads and fruits, but for someone this is a real test. If you find it difficult to tolerate giving up sweets on a diet (you develop weakness, increased nervousness and depressed mood), act gradually. That is, to begin with, replace milk chocolate with black chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa, caramel and cake with marshmallows and marmalade, and popsicle for smoothies or frozen yogurt.
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