Sweets - Calorie Content Depending On The Type, Use On A Diet

Sweets - Calorie Content Depending On The Type, Use On A Diet
Sweets - Calorie Content Depending On The Type, Use On A Diet

Calorie content of sweets

Most women have a sweet tooth. Often it is the addiction to sweets that prevents a woman from going on a diet, since the very fact that she will have to do without her favorite sweets or chocolate for a long time is disheartening.

The calorie content of 1 candy "Korovka" is 351 kcal
The calorie content of 1 candy "Korovka" is 351 kcal

If, while on a diet, someone stealthily eats one candy, then later he suffers from remorse, punishing himself with additional physical exertion. There are also women who are sure that the calorie content of 1 candy cannot have a strong effect on the state of the figure, therefore they often allow themselves such weakness.

It is also a well-known fact that the calorie content of sweets is quite high and even a small amount of them can significantly "hit" a thin waist. After all, an excess of calories, one way or another, causes the appearance of excess weight.

How many calories are in candy?

The calorie content of sweets depends on their composition and weight. So, for example, the well-known "Snickers" sweets have a caloric content of 500 kcal per 100 g. Thus, after consuming them, 1.5 hours of intensive physical training will not interfere, otherwise the calorie content of 1 Snickers candy will not fail to affect the figure.

As a rule, there are more calories in chocolate candy than in marmalade and hard candies. But the high sugar content in marmalade often causes various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, sweets can provoke the development of diabetes. And the calorie content of candy in the form of lollipops does not lag behind the calorie content of chocolate sweets.

Calorie content of chocolate sweets (kcal / 100 g)

  • Candy "Golden Step" - 488;
  • Chocolate coated prunes - 343;
  • Candy "Grand Tofi" - 452;
  • Kurye candy - 509;
  • Waffle in chocolate - 551;
  • Squirrel candy - 531;
  • Candy "Kara-Kum" - 522;
  • Chocolate bar - 527;
  • Rafaello candy - 625;
  • Truffle in chocolate - 580;
  • Comilfo candy - 585;
  • Candy "Levushka" - 386.

Calorie content of sweets in the form of chocolate bars (kcal / 100 g)

  • Bounty - 448;
  • Mars - 451;
  • Milky Way - 448;
  • Twix - 483;
  • Snickers - 497;
  • "Picnic" - 507.

How many calories are in non-chocolate candies (kcal / 100 g)

  • Calorie content of marmalade candies - 305;
  • Jelly candy - 299;
  • Iris - 400;
  • Lollipop caramel - 370;
  • The calorie content of the Korovka candy is 351;
  • Caloric content of 1 candy "Fondant" - 369;
  • The calorie content of the Bird's Milk candy is 418.

Calorie content of sweets: how to stay slim without giving up sweets?

The calorie content of 1 "Bird's milk" candy is 418 kcal
The calorie content of 1 "Bird's milk" candy is 418 kcal

One of the best options to keep weight without giving up your favorite sweets, the calorie content of which is high, is to calculate the required calories per day, taking into account physical activity and age. In order for the process of losing weight to take place, it is enough to subtract 500 from the calculated calorie norm. The result obtained is the daily calorie intake required to maintain a slim figure. However, nutritionists recommend not to get too carried away and not to exceed the 500 kcal threshold in pursuit of quick results, as this threatens with various diseases and depletion of the body.

Thus, having calculated the calorie content of the daily diet, you can easily add a couple of sweets there, for example, a few “Cow” sweets, the calorie content of which is 351 kcal / 100 g, or “Bird's milk” sweets, the calorie content of which is 418 kcal / 100 g.

It is also necessary to take into account this advice from nutritionists - everything sweet should be consumed in the morning. So during the day, the body has time to process the energy received.

Of course, the calorie counting method brings certain inconveniences, since you have to count the calorie content of sweets and other products of the daily menu every day. To this end, it will be useful to always have a table of calorie content of sweets and other food products at hand, which will help you easily compose the optimal daily diet.

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