The 4 Most Harmful Types Of Sweets And How To Replace Them

The 4 Most Harmful Types Of Sweets And How To Replace Them
The 4 Most Harmful Types Of Sweets And How To Replace Them

The 4 most harmful types of sweets and how to replace them

Foods with high sugar content are attractive to most people - this is a scientifically proven fact. This is not a matter of intemperance or licentiousness: from infancy, sweet food is associated with a feeling of peace and safety - the baby experiences it when he swallows his mother's milk. In addition, when sugar enters the body, it enhances the production of "happiness hormones", which we all need so much. But the life of a sweet tooth is rarely cloudless: their favorite dishes do too much damage to their health and appearance. Fortunately, the negative impact can be minimized. You just need to understand which sweets are the most harmful and how to replace them.

Sticky "goodies"

Traditionally considered baby gummies, gummies, fondants, toffee, and hard candies with liquid fillings are far more harmful than other types of treats. It is their caring mothers and grandmothers that are most often bought for babies, mistakenly believing that such sweets are healthier than chocolate ones. In fact, this is not the case. There are practically no natural ingredients in the composition of toffee and fondants, but there are many synthetic additives that not only have a bad effect on digestion, but are also addictive. For tooth enamel there is nothing more harmful than the remnants of a sticky "tasty" - the most favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens. Experts say that children accustomed to such sweets become victims of caries much more often than their peers, whose parents were more careful in choosing sweets.

Sticky goodies
Sticky goodies


Confectionery and industrial baked goods

The use of cookies, pastries, sweet rolls and cakes causes irreparable harm to the digestive system, causes metabolic disruptions, and worsens the condition of the blood vessels. For lovers of such products, there is a high risk of developing hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, liver damage and many other serious ailments. At the same time, the most dangerous are precisely sweet flour products of industrial origin. In an effort to get the maximum benefit, manufacturers use harmful ingredients for their manufacture, replacing butter with cheap margarine and other vegetable fats. In combination with sugar, these substances are a real time bomb that gradually destroys internal organs.

Confectionery and industrial baked goods
Confectionery and industrial baked goods


Chocolate bars

Obsessive and inaccurate advertising is mainly to blame for the harm that such delicacies can cause. By informing that bars are a great product for quickly satisfying hunger, she misleads the buyer. Eating the next "Snickers", a person really gets a significant portion of calories, but all of them are contained in sugar (that is, they are fast carbohydrates) and a large amount of unhealthy fats. As a result, hunger quickly returns, and a lot of absolutely unnecessary substances enter the body. Many bars contain caramel and nougat, the use of which contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel. And the word "chocolate" in this case hardly corresponds to reality: the icing covering the bars contains almost no natural chocolate.

Chocolate bars
Chocolate bars


Dried fruits

Our favorite prunes, dried apricots and other dried and dried fruits are also not entirely harmless, especially when consumed in large quantities. Of course, vitamins and minerals that make up them are useful. But we must not forget that all substances, including sugar, are contained in dried fruits in high concentration. For example, dried dates are rightfully considered one of the sweetest foods on Earth. In addition, manufacturers often use preservatives and other additives to improve the appearance of such products. Therefore, dried fruits should be chosen carefully and consumed in moderation. Uncontrolled use of them instead of the expected benefits can be harmful to health.

Dried fruits
Dried fruits


What to do if you still want something sweet? It is worth replacing harmful "snacks" with safer ones. Nutritionists advise, for example, buying sugar-free candies. They may contain sorbitol or other substitutes, but in small quantities, and the main ingredients are natural fruit and berry juices.

Chocolate bars and candies are best served with dark and bitter chocolate bars. It contains natural antioxidants and other beneficial substances, and there are very few unhealthy fats in it.

Some fruits (bananas, persimmons) also help to quench your thirst for sweets. In addition, bars sold in pharmacies that contain muesli, honey and dried berries are considered harmless. They have a good taste and low calorie content.

Before the holidays, when it is difficult to do without sweets, it makes sense not to skimp and give preference to products that are more expensive, but of high quality. Choosing cakes or a cake in a well-known pastry shop, you can find out exactly their composition and enjoy yourself in peace, without risking eating a huge portion of dubious fats. But the most preferable is the use (of course, moderate) of homemade baked goods, tasty and safe.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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