Cleansing Enema For Weight Loss - Reviews, How To Do

Cleansing Enema For Weight Loss - Reviews, How To Do
Cleansing Enema For Weight Loss - Reviews, How To Do

Slimming enema

Slimming enemas - a way to deal with excess weight
Slimming enemas - a way to deal with excess weight

Any woman is sure that there is no limit to perfection. In pursuit of beautiful forms, women use a variety of methods of losing weight, including not even the most beneficial for health (diuretics and laxatives, fasting, and even the use of dubious pills with the addition of psychotropic substances). And this is not at all being one hundred percent sure of the result. And along with this, it is no secret for anyone that the process of losing weight entirely depends on our willpower and desire, sports and adherence to the rules of a healthy diet.

Slimming enemas as an effective way to fight excess weight

Today, cleansing enemas for weight loss are becoming increasingly popular. According to reviews, weight loss enemas can easily get rid of two kilograms of excess weight in one procedure. Therefore, it is safe to say that this method of losing weight is quite effective.

Slimming enemas rid the body of feces, toxins, gases and toxic substances that have accumulated in the large intestine for years and interfere with the proper functioning of the intestines. Harmful substances accumulated in the body interfere not only with the assimilation of essential vitamins and minerals, but also with the full functioning of many organs, which eventually leads to the development of various diseases. In this situation, cleansing enemas for weight loss play the role of a catalyst. They eliminate toxins and toxins, cleanse the body of impurities, as a result of which the work of cells is accelerated, and the body begins to better absorb the necessary microelements. In addition, bowel function improves and metabolism is accelerated, which contributes to the gradual elimination of fat deposits, and, consequently, weight loss.

Slimming enema - the other side of the coin

In pursuit of an ideal figure, most women do not pay attention to the fact that a cleansing enema for weight loss is an exclusively medical procedure that must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision. Often women, not really delving into the essence of the procedure itself, use it to get rid of excessively absorbed excess calories. However, this is completely useless, since at least two hours pass from the moment of eating to the formation of feces. Naturally, all excess calories are absorbed by the body.

You should also be aware that if the excess body fat is not in the intestines, but in the cells, then cleansing enemas for weight loss will not bring a positive result.

Do not abuse this procedure, as it can lead to metabolic disorders, which not only will not contribute to getting rid of excess weight, but, on the contrary, will lead to the opposite result - obesity. The enema, along with all the harmful substances, also flushes out the beneficial microflora from the intestines, which is fraught with the development of dysbiosis. Complete digestion of food and the production of vitamins necessary for the body (vitamins B, D, K) are impossible without bacteria in the intestines. If the process is disrupted, the correct metabolism ceases to take place. In addition, along with the fluid from the intestines, such useful magnesium and potassium salts are excreted, which contribute to the contraction of the heart muscle. In this way,Frequent cleansing enemas for weight loss cause persistent addiction of the body and a failure in the digestive system. Simply put, the intestines begin to be lazy to work on their own. Peristalsis is disturbed, which ultimately leads to the fact that a person cannot independently carry out the process of defecation.

How to do a weight loss enema?

A low-calorie diet is recommended during enemas. The diet should contain only lean foods - fruits and vegetables, fish, cereals.

How to do a weight loss enema? To do this, use a mug of Esmarch and boiled water at room temperature (20-23 degrees). The amount of water poured into Esmarch's mug depends on the person's height. On average, one enema requires one and a half to two liters of water.

Weight Loss Cleansing Enema Recipes
Weight Loss Cleansing Enema Recipes

If you suffer from gastritis with high acidity, then it is better to use warmer water - 35-45 degrees. An enema solution is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of sodium chloride is dissolved in 2 liters of boiled water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is added. For gastritis, replace lemon juice and apple cider vinegar with baking soda.

The most suitable room for the procedure is the bathroom. You need to lie on your left side and pull your knees to your stomach. You can also stand in the knee-elbow position. These positions promote better penetration of fluid into the intestines.

Cleansing enemas for weight loss are put twice a day for two weeks. One - in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - just before bedtime. After the end of the cleansing enemas, it is necessary to adhere to a low-calorie diet for some time, as well as to drink medications that restore the intestinal microflora.

Contraindications to the procedure

According to reviews, a weight loss enema is not recommended for women during menstruation. Before the procedure, it is best to conduct a complete examination of the intestines for ulcers, tumors and other contraindications.

Absolute contraindications for enemas are:

  • hemorrhoids and cracks in the rectum, as bleeding may begin;
  • the period of pregnancy, since holding an enema for weight loss increases the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage;
  • chronic heart disease and hypertension, as blood pressure may increase;
  • diseases of the intestines and stomach, inflammatory diseases of the colon - as an exacerbation may occur.

Weight Loss Cleansing Enema Recipes

According to reviews, enemas for weight loss are most effective precisely according to these recipes:

  • Enemas with chamomile broth (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water). Instead of chamomile, calendula, dill, and sage are also suitable.
  • Honey enema - 1 tablespoon of honey is diluted in 1 glass of boiled water at room temperature and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is added.

Now you know more about how to do a weight loss enema, as well as its positive and negative sides. However, it should be remembered that the most important thing in striving to lose weight is an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. And all other methods should be only temporary, and not be perceived as a panacea.

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