Calorie content of almonds

The calorie content of almonds is approximately 600 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of nuts contain 18.6 g of proteins, 57.7 g of fat and 13.6 g of carbohydrates. Despite the relatively high calorie content, almonds are among the ten most useful foods.
How many calories are in almonds
The homeland of almonds is Asia. The high calorie content of almonds, however, does not prevent it from lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Clinical nutritionists in the United States claim that due to their monounsaturated fat content, almonds lower cholesterol levels even more effectively than specialized drugs - statins.
When wondering how many calories are in almonds, it is helpful to imagine two bars of chocolate, so 7-10 nuts per day is the maximum allowable dose.
Despite the impressive calorie content, almonds are recommended in dietary nutrition with a decrease in body weight. Weight loss in this case is achieved due to a balanced composition of proteins, fiber and valuable fats, as it creates a feeling of fullness, which in turn prevents overeating.
Almonds contain vitamins E and B2 (riboflavin), antioxidants, as well as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Almonds overtake chicken eggs in terms of the amount of protein, and in terms of omega-3 fatty acids, they rank first among nuts. Regular dosed consumption of almonds significantly improves life prognosis.
Many diets and healthy diets recommend this recipe: on a grill pan without oil (you can also in the oven or toaster) dry a piece of whole grain bread, spread on top with low-fat cream cheese and sprinkle generously with chopped almonds or almonds. It is also recommended to include almonds in a variety of salads and cocktails.
Almonds: Calories, Composition, Benefits
The role of almonds in nutrition that contributes to the normal state of the nervous system cannot be overstated. During the off-season and short daylight hours, as well as if you have problems with sleep, about one hour before bedtime, experts, regardless of the calorie content of almonds, recommend eating a handful of nuts, which, in addition to magnesium, are rich in melatonin and tryptophan - hormones of sleep and joy.

It is interesting to know that the almond is a biological relative of the peach. There are two types of almonds - sweet and bitter. Almonds hold the record for the content of youthful vitamin E - 100 g of nuts contain 24 g of tocopherol.
From a medical point of view, almonds are valued in nutrition for their ability to remove kidney stones, improve vision function and enhance spermatogenesis. It is recommended to include almonds in the diet for mental stress and increased acidity of gastric juice, especially in smokers. In addition, it relieves alcohol intoxication, helps maintain healthy hair, teeth and skin, as well as the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
The daily dose of almonds is 30-50 g. Contraindications for its use are allergic reactions and dermatitis or individual intolerance.
Despite the calorie content of almonds, its role is also great in the diet of people who consume large amounts of fatty foods. As a rule, their vascular lumen is narrowed due to atherosclerotic plaques. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in almonds alter the body's fat composition so that new plaques are no longer formed and existing ones are often reduced.
Thus, the lumen of the vessels is restored, as well as the affected areas of the vascular endothelium. In addition, arginine, which is part of almonds, has a beneficial effect on the normalization of blood pressure. The valuable properties of almonds are inherent to a greater extent in the product that has undergone dry roasting and does not contain foreign additives.
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