Calorie content of honey

Since ancient times, honey has been considered not only delicious, but also nutritious and healthy. Many, however, are interested in the question, how many calories are in honey and how to lose weight with honey?
Composition of honey
Honey contains a lot of useful substances, such as carotene, protein, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin PP, essential oils, enzymes, sugars, organic acids, nitrogenous compounds. In total, honey contains about 300 different substances, of which 33 are useful trace elements. Thus, the nutritional value (not calories) of honey is 82 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product.
Honey contains a large amount of fructose (about 40%) and glucose (about 35%). Moreover, if the fructose content increases, honey becomes sweeter and the calorie content of honey increases, and with an increase in the amount of glucose, honey undergoes crystallization. There is also water in honey (15-22%).
Organic acids such as malic, lactic, citric, etc. give the honey a unique taste. In addition, honey contains about 20 amino acids and various enzymes (invertase, lipase, diastase, etc.).
How many calories are in honey?
On average, the calorie content of honey is approximately 327 kcal per 100 g of product. Thus, the calorie content of honey can be compared with condensed milk, wheat bread, beluga, veal liver, lamb.
How many calories are in honey also depends on its type. So, in lime varieties of honey, the calorie content is not more than 380 kcal, and in dark and tart varieties - 390-420 kcal.
Despite the high calorie content of honey, it is still considered more of a dietary product, since calories can be attributed not to sugar, but to the glucose contained in honey.
And how many calories are in a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon? The calorie content of a spoon of honey is about 56 kcal (17 g), and the calorie content of a spoon of honey is 26 kcal (8 g of product).
Useful properties of honey
Due to the high content of useful substances in honey, it has a lot of medicinal properties. So, honey helps to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, is useful for dysbiosis, regulates intestinal motility, awakens appetite, calms the nerves, normalizes sleep, is an excellent prevention of sclerosis.
Honey also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates tissue healing, enhances immunity, and has analgesic properties.
Despite the high calorie content of honey, it is useful to use it for diseases of internal organs, anemia, nervous disorders, since its digestibility is 100%. Therefore, honey is always recommended for people in the postoperative period, children with poor health and people of advanced age.
Doctors recommend eating about 100 g of honey per day for adults and 50 g for children.
How to lose weight with honey?

Despite the high calorie content of honey (it is higher in calories than sugar), it contains such a large amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals that, taken together, they effectively help fight obesity. You can even say that honey is the only useful sweetness for losing weight.
Many women will say that sugary foods help them cope with stress, so how can you lose weight? That is why honey, whose calorie content is quite high, can become an indispensable product for those who lose weight. Even ancient Indian medicine men recommended it for the treatment of obesity.
Honey diet: water with honey for weight loss
The honey diet is very simple and allows the use of any products, only the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1200 kcal. The duration of the diet is one week, but if you feel well, you can stick to it for longer.
The main rule of the honey diet is the use of water with honey for weight loss for breakfast and dinner.
How to make a honey drink? It is necessary to take one tablespoon of honey and dissolve it in half a glass of warm, unboiled water. Add some lemon juice if desired.
It is necessary to drink water with honey for weight loss in the morning on an empty stomach and about an hour before dinner. You need to drink a drink in one gulp, and after that it is recommended to perform an active physical workout (cleaning the house, walking the dog, etc.) This will help the honey get into the intestines, which will allow it to actively participate in the process of cleansing the body and speed up the metabolism.
Slimming honey tea
Some people choose another way to lose weight with honey - drink tea with honey for weight loss. When preparing tea with honey, it must be taken into account that honey loses its biological properties if it is dissolved in hot water. Therefore, the recipe for making tea with honey for weight loss looks like this: brew two tablespoons of green tea (since it has fat burning properties) and one tablespoon of fresh ginger root, pre-chopped, 300 ml of boiling water. Let the tea brew for at least half an hour, then add 1.5 liters of cold water and add one tablespoon of honey. Stir the tea well until the honey is completely dissolved.
It is recommended to take tea with honey one glass before each meal. If you do not have stomach problems, you can take this tea between meals, instead of regular tea, however, it is not recommended to heat it, again, in order to avoid losing the valuable qualities of honey.
Despite the high calorie content of honey, tea with it is considered by many to be very effective for losing weight, since green tea and ginger have fat burning effects, and the beneficial properties of honey help to effectively fight excess pounds.
However, it should be noted that honey is a strong allergen. In addition, honey drinks should be used as a supplement to weight loss and not as a substitute for diet and exercise.
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