How To Deal With Insomnia

How To Deal With Insomnia
How To Deal With Insomnia

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How to deal with insomnia

How to deal with insomnia
How to deal with insomnia

The problem of insomnia is that a person wants, really wants to sleep, he is very tired, but the long-awaited rest does not come, because sleep does not come. Over time, this problem gets worse, as fatigue increases every day, and from overwork, sleep disturbance only intensifies. It turns out a vicious circle in which a person sometimes lives for years … This problem is widespread, and therefore let's talk about how to deal with insomnia.

The most common and at the same time the most incorrect way of how to deal with insomnia is taking sleeping pills. It would seem natural - you cannot sleep, take a pill and sleep, but in reality it is not. First, sleeping pills do not eliminate the cause of insomnia, and it is never unreasonable. Secondly, drug sleep is incomplete. It differs from normal, natural sleep quite strongly, it is possible to compare such a dream with dullness, turning off, rather than with quality rest. Medicines can help in the acute phase, when a person by all means needs to fall asleep at least somehow, by any means to give the exhausted body and mind a rest, but on an ongoing basis they do more harm than good. Sleeping pills are also dangerous because they are addictive, thereby driving the problem of insomnia into a dead end,after all, if you take them for a long time, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep without them.

How to deal with insomnia in this case? Are there no solutions? There are solutions, and very effective, but in order to really defeat insomnia, you will have to change your usual way of life. Why? Because it is definitely pathological, since it led to insomnia. Through research, it was found that the least likely to suffer from insomnia are those who experience significant physical activity during the day - people of working professions, athletes, dancers, all those who spend a lot of time on the move. On the other hand, those who are most susceptible to insomnia are those whose daily activities are associated with little physical, but at the same time with high mental activity. The mind is exhausted and tired, and the body is still full of strength - as a result, the person feels exhausted, because the tired brain gives commands, but he cannot sleep, since physical fatigue is insignificant.

There are several more rules, the observance of which will make the question of how to deal with insomnia irrelevant. Do not eat before bed, the last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime. At night, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey, or a cup of mint tea. Make sure to spend as much time as possible outdoors. If this cannot be done during the day, take a walk for at least half an hour before bed. It is helpful to take a warm bath just before bed, and then read something lightweight while lying in bed.

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