Why sea buckthorn is useful

The benefits of sea buckthorn are so great that one small article may not be enough to list all of its beneficial qualities. Everything is useful in this plant - from leaves to roots. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about the benefits of sea buckthorn is its magical fruits. The fruits of the sea buckthorn are small yellow-orange berries, densely clinging to the branches of the bush, for which, in fact, the plant is called sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is unpretentious, it grows even on poor, infertile soils.
In many ways, the benefits of sea buckthorn are due to the carotene contained in it in large quantities. Carotene, or provitamin A, is a valuable substance that, when ingested, allows it to produce vitamin A. This vitamin is necessary for normal life, in particular, it is responsible for the high-quality functioning of the organs of vision and skin. In addition, carotene is a potent antioxidant, which means it resists aging. Its valuable qualities also include the ability to strengthen the immune system. Beta-carotene, a form of carotene, has the ability to resist ionizing radiation, and it is widely known that Russian cosmonauts in orbit use sea buckthorn cream as additional protection against radiation.
But carotene isn't the only beneficial nutrient found in humble berries. Organic acids, vitamins of group B, folic acid, vitamins PP, K, P, rutin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, manganese, boron, tannins - all this is in the fruits of sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is a champion in the content of vitamins E and C, it contains a "hormone of happiness" - serotonin, without which the nervous system does not work normally, as well as a large amount of phytoncides - natural antibiotics. Therefore, it will not be an exaggeration to say that the benefit of sea buckthorn is that, perhaps, there is not a single disorder in which it would not have its therapeutic effect.
Sea buckthorn can be used in the form of a decoction of fruits, tea from leaves, jam, simply grated with sugar, in compote and just like that, in the form of berries from a bush. Of course, the less heat treatment, the greater the benefits of sea buckthorn, because at high temperatures some of the nutrients are inevitably destroyed, therefore it is better to grind sea buckthorn with sugar and keep in the refrigerator.
And that's not all the benefits of sea buckthorn. At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that the roots of the plant are also useful. This is true. Sea buckthorn strengthens the land on which it grows. It is recommended to grow sea buckthorn on soils prone to corrosion. Countries like China and Mongolia even have programs in which farmers are rewarded for improving the soil if they plant sea buckthorn on it.
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