How is ginger useful?

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian health science, ginger is considered a spice that is useful to absolutely everyone, without exception. From the point of view of Ayurveda, it can be simplified to describe what ginger is useful for, it can be as follows: it restores the balance of forces and matter in the body - it reduces what should be reduced and increases what the body lacks.
In general, it is difficult to find another plant that would have such a solid list of medicinal properties, and even with a very pleasant, fresh and pungent taste. Let's try to find out how ginger is useful for each of the body systems.
Ginger is unique for digestion. It helps to increase the production of gastric juice, while protecting the walls of the stomach from its damaging effects in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. It has a beneficial effect on the intestines, reduces flatulence, eliminates diarrhea, is a strong anthelmintic. A small pinch of ginger in a cup of warmed milk can relieve heartburn.
Ginger is beneficial for blood circulation. It has a warming effect when taken orally, and when used externally, it stimulates superficial vessels, which is actively used in the production of cosmetics. The constant use of ginger has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Ginger has a calming effect on the nervous system, ginger tea is the best remedy for overexcitation, but at the same time it does not have a relaxing side effect that would lead to weakness and loss of strength, and in case of loss of strength and drowsiness, coffee with ginger gently tones up.
For colds, ginger is indispensable, as it relieves headaches and sore throat, has an expectorant effect and reduces fever. In general, ginger is a good pain reliever for all painful conditions.

What ginger is useful for all systems, without exception, is its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties, stimulates both local and general immunity. At the same time, its balancing effect on the immune system is such that it can significantly reduce the symptoms of allergies, and in some cases completely get rid of it.
Actually, you can endlessly continue the list of what ginger is useful for, because it is also unique in that it has no negative properties. Including a daily cup of ginger tea in your diet can relieve you of many health problems.
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