Cleansing The Body: In The New Year, Give Your Body Health

Cleansing The Body: In The New Year, Give Your Body Health
Cleansing The Body: In The New Year, Give Your Body Health

Cleansing the body: in the New Year, give your body health

In Italy there is such a tradition - on New Year's Eve, the inhabitants of this country throw out old things. It is believed that in the New Year, the one who gets rid of more trash will be happy. We suggest that you follow the example of the Italians, but at the same time get rid of trash not only in the house, but also think about your body.

Chronic fatigue, poor sleep, nervousness and irritability, dull complexion, skin problems, bad breath, gastrointestinal disturbances - do you want to pick up these health problems in the new year? We are sure not!

Well-being problems can be symptoms of chronic intoxication of the body
Well-being problems can be symptoms of chronic intoxication of the body

The listed health problems are symptoms of chronic intoxication, a frequent companion of any modern person. Unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, lack of sleep, bad habits, unhealthy diet and poor drinking regime - these are the factors that contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances. They are often called toxins, but this is not entirely true. Chronic intoxication involves our own metabolic products, which are slowly excreted from the body, as well as not completely "processed" residues of food, drugs, heavy metals and other compounds that enter the body with the air and many other substances that are harmless tiny doses, but when accumulated they become poisons.

Where in the body is the main "warehouse" of hazardous waste, are there effective ways to get rid of them, how long can the process of cleansing the body last, whether it is necessary to apply strict restrictions - these are the most popular questions that you will find answers to in this article.

Where are the "toxins" hiding?

The intestines are the main "storage" of toxic waste in our body. This is a “densely populated area” (on average about 50 trillion microorganisms 1), where the bulk of the inhabitants perform useful functions - helping to digest food, protecting the body from infections, but there are also “pests” - colonies of pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria. With a normal balance of microflora, beneficial microorganisms suppress the activity of harmful ones. But with intoxication, the balance is disturbed, since harmful products accumulate in the intestines, provoking the death of beneficial bacteria and the development of pathogenic microorganisms, which in turn already release real toxins (poisons of biological origin). From the intestines, harmful and toxic substances are absorbed into the bloodstream, and are carried to all organs and tissues of the body.

Where are the "toxins" hiding?
Where are the "toxins" hiding?

We clean the intestines - get rid of the excess

To cleanse the intestines, there are special preparations - sorbents that bind and naturally remove harmful substances, including metabolites, toxins, products of decay and decomposition of food, drugs, etc. However, not all sorbents are equally effective for detoxification. For example, activated carbon, familiar to everyone from childhood, works quite hard, and with prolonged use can cause dysbiosis and constipation.

To get rid of "toxins", a good solution is "Liquid coal" - a sorbent, the main active ingredient of which is apple pectin. It is not in vain that the English say: "Eat one apple a day and you will leave your doctor without a job." Pectin absorbs harmful substances in the intestine, and also promotes their transfer from the blood to the intestinal lumen. Another property of pectin is also important for detoxification: unlike many other sorbents, it is able to remove even heavy metal ions and radionuclides from the body. Of course, one apple is unlikely to solve the problem of chronic intoxication, because pectin is found mainly in the peel, partitions and shells of apple seeds. For use in pharmaceuticals, pectin is isolated from raw materials by extraction and then dried. Upon contact with water, pectin forms a gel, a kind of "sponge" of molecules. When moving through the intestines, the pectin "sponge" captures toxins, toxic metabolic products (histamine, bilirubin, bile acids, etc.), allergens, decay products of drugs and other substances foreign to the body.

Liquid charcoal is a sorbent that will help get rid of toxins
Liquid charcoal is a sorbent that will help get rid of toxins

We start the intestines - restore the microflora

Probiotics and prebiotics are traditionally used to restore microflora.

Probiotics are preparations that contain live microorganisms, theoretically capable of restoring a healthy balance of microflora. But recently, scientists have questioned their effectiveness, since not all types of necessary bacteria can be cultivated in laboratory conditions, it is also quite difficult to deliver them alive into the intestine, but even if they survive "on the way", then they may not take root in the intestine or not to be useful, because the composition of the microflora of each person is unique 2 !

Prebiotics - substances that are "food" for beneficial intestinal microflora, stimulate its growth and vital activity. One of the most effective prebiotics today is inulin. If you initially chose Liquid Charcoal for detoxification, there is no need to worry about prebiotics, inulin is already included in its composition. In addition to activating the growth of beneficial microflora, as a result of which the development of harmful microorganisms is suppressed, inulin regulates intestinal motility and lowers cholesterol levels.

Liquid charcoal will help restore intestinal microflora
Liquid charcoal will help restore intestinal microflora

Protecting the liver

It is the liver that neutralizes toxic substances by filtering them out of the blood. This cycle is repeated about 400 times per day. Can you imagine in what intensive mode our liver works if there are constantly harmful substances in the blood? "Liquid charcoal" contains succinic acid, which stimulates the detoxification function of the liver.

We draw up a plan for the "general cleaning" of the body

We figured out exactly where the "toxic waste" of the body accumulates, and how to effectively get rid of them. Now let's draw up a detailed plan for cleansing the body.

  1. In a course of 10 days, we take "Liquid Coal" according to the instructions (2 times a day). Taking the drug itself is very comfortable - the contents of the sachet are diluted in 75-100 ml of water at room temperature. Ready-made "Liquid Coal" has a pleasant sour taste with apple notes and a jelly-like consistency. An additional plus of this form of administration is that the liquid begins to act immediately, in contrast to tablets and capsules, which still have to dissolve.
  2. We monitor the sufficient level of water consumption. The drinking regime is very important, since it is water that is the main means of cleansing the body. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day - this will help to quickly "flush" harmful substances from the blood.
  3. Nutrition plays a key role in detoxification. Some foods contribute to it, others, on the contrary, interfere with the cleansing of the body. To cleanse the intestines, it is recommended to consume enough fiber, for this you can add bran to your usual products, eat non-fermenting fruits and vegetables 3. It is recommended to exclude sweet desserts during detoxification, as well as fatty, spicy, overly salty dishes. Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sugary carbonated drinks should be excluded from drinks without fail.
  4. Exercise and sauna also promote detoxification. With the help of sweat, our body actively gets rid of harmful substances. A contrast shower accelerates blood flow and metabolic processes. The massage improves the condition of the skin and muscles, accelerates the lymph and blood flow. Adding these very pleasant "outdoor" detoxification methods to your detox program is definitely worth it.
How to properly cleanse the body of toxins
How to properly cleanse the body of toxins

In order to cleanse your body of toxins, you will have to resort to some restrictions, and, possibly, change your usual way of life. But the feeling of lightness and cheerfulness, positive changes in well-being and appearance, with which you will enter the New Year, are definitely worth it! It is possible that this transformation will inspire you so much that with the new calendar a new life will begin, healthier, and, as a consequence, happier, brighter and more successful!

1 Ron Sender, Shai Fuchs, Ron Milo. Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body // PLOS Biology. - 2016-08-19. - T. 14, no. 8. - S. e1002533. - ISSN 1545-7885. - DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pbio.1002533

2 Do Probiotics Really Work? By Ferris Jabr on July 1, 2017

3 Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits. Joanne Slavin. Nutrients. 2013 Apr; 5 (4): 1417-1435. Published online 2013 Apr 22. doi: 10.3390 / nu5041417 PMCID: PMC3705355

It is not a drug. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

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