Soybean Paste - Useful Properties And Contraindications

Soybean Paste - Useful Properties And Contraindications
Soybean Paste - Useful Properties And Contraindications

Soybean paste

Soybean paste is a traditional Asian dish made from fermented soybeans.

Composition and features

Soybean paste consistency
Soybean paste consistency

Soybean paste contains monosodium glutamate, soy, sugar, cereals and some types of molds. This pasta is usually seasoned with meat, vegetables, first courses and snacks. The color of the paste can be dark red or light brown. The taste, color and aroma of the dish depend on the method of cooking.

Some types of this paste add rice, flour and sugar, as well as not only fermented, but also specially processed beans.

In Japanese cuisine, soybean paste has a thick consistency, pleasant taste and original aroma. Such a paste can be very hot and slightly hot with spices. The hottest pasta is stored for 6 months and contains sugar syrup, glucose, wheat flour, and red hot peppers. This pasta is a spice that is added to various dishes.

Less spicy soybean paste is made up of rice flour, beans, and spices. It is added to rice dishes, vegetables and meat.

Useful properties of soybean paste

Soybean paste is a popular dish in Japan, China, and Korea. It can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as well as a festive table.

This paste contains a large amount of vitamins A, D and B, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Medical research has shown that soybean paste has a beneficial effect on cancer cells, particularly in the treatment of colon cancer. Soybean paste extract reduces the rate at which cancer cells develop in the lungs. In the course of research, mice ate pasta and their cancer cells were significantly reduced.

A two-year-old soybean paste has several times the anti-cancer effect of a freshly cooked dish. Also, this paste promotes cell regeneration, strengthening the body, improving complexion and preventing aging.

Soybean paste contains plant estrogen, which is a good prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis.

The mushrooms in this Asian dish contain vitamin D and calcium, which strengthen bones, teeth and nails.

Soy paste, used as a snack, improves digestion, neutralizes the poisons of mushrooms, vegetables and seafood.

This paste can be part of the dietary menu and is a component of healthy food, as it contains vegetable fats and proteins that are necessary for vegetarians.

The beneficial substances in soybean paste help to eliminate the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, normalize blood cholesterol levels, and improve the condition of blood vessels.

Cooking soybean paste

Soybean paste is a dietary food and also has an immunoregulatory effect.

Soybean paste in packaging
Soybean paste in packaging

The preparation process for this paste is divided into several stages. First of all, soybeans are boiled and fermented, and then salt is added to it, mixed with cereal plants, ground red pepper, mushrooms and some leafy vegetables, which give the dish a special taste.

Often soybean paste is served with meat, vegetables and rice, and is also a balanced dish that does not cause heaviness in the stomach and promotes proper digestion.


Soy can act depressingly on the endocrine system, so it is not recommended for children and adults with thyroid diseases. Soy products are contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

Contraindications to the use of soybean paste are individual intolerance and susceptibility to allergic reactions to soy and soy protein.

You should not use this paste for Alzheimer's disease, serious disorders of cerebral circulation, malfunctioning of sex hormones, severe diseases of the digestive system.

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