Allergen - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Allergen - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Allergen - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Allergen (allergenum; Greek allos - other, other + Greek ergon - action + Greek -genes - generating):

  • A substance of a haptenic or antigenic nature that can sensitize the body and cause allergies;
  • A drug made from exogenous allergens. It is used for the treatment and diagnosis of allergic diseases. With its correct use, as a rule, it does not cause allergic reactions and sensitization of the body.

Allocate an allergen:

  • Bacterial (bacteriale) - a component of a bacterial cell, a product of its vital activity or a drug specially made from them;
  • Household - with which a person comes into contact in everyday life (dust, six animals), or a drug specially made from them;
  • Viral (virale) - a component of a virus, a product of its interaction with a cell or a drug specially made from them;
  • Helminthic (helminthicum) - a product of the decay or exchange of helminths or a drug specially made from them;
  • Fungal (mycoticum) - a component of a fungus, a product of its vital activity or a drug specially made from them;
  • Diagnostic (diagnosticum) - used to diagnose diseases;
  • Inhalation - entering the body through the respiratory system;
  • Infectious (infectiosum) - an allergen that is a component of the causative agent of an infectious disease, a product of its vital activity or a drug specially made from them;
  • Contact (contactil) - entering the body through the conjunctiva, oral mucosa or skin;
  • Medicinal (medicamentosum) - a drug or any of its components;
  • Therapeutic (medicale) - used for specific hyposensitization for allergic diseases;
  • Microbial (microbicum) - a component of a microorganism, a product of its vital activity or a drug specially made from them;
  • Food (alimentarium) - a component of a food product or a preparation specially made from it;
  • Industrial - a substance that is part of an industrial product;
  • Protozoal (protozoale) - a component of an organism belonging to the type of protozoa, a product of its vital activity or a drug specially made from them;
  • Professional (professionale) - with whom a person contacts in professional activities;
  • Dust (pulvereum) - a component of house dust or a preparation specially made from it;
  • Pollen (pollinis) - a component of plant pollen or a preparation specially made from it;
  • Exogenous (exogenum; syn: exoallergen) - enters the body from the outside;
  • Epidermal (epidermale) - a component of the epidermis / animal hair, human epidermis or a specially made from them drug.

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