Chickenpox in adults: symptoms, treatment, complications, prevention
The content of the article:
- The causative agent of chickenpox
Chickenpox symptoms in an adult
Chickenpox rash
Intensity and localization of the rash
- Common signs
- Chickenpox treatment in adults
General care
- Water procedures
- Rash treatment
- Mouthwash
- General recommendations
Chickenpox during pregnancy
- Prevention
- Video
Chickenpox is rare in adults, but the disease can be more severe and lead to serious complications. Chickenpox is an acute infectious viral disease, for which the appearance of a characteristic rash in the form of vesicles against the background of intoxication is typical.

Chickenpox is rare in adults.
The disease is caused by the Varicella zoster virus (herpes type 3), which is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. In this case, after the transferred chickenpox, lifelong immunity remains.
Most often, the disease occurs in children, about 90% of the population suffer from chickenpox before the age of 15. But in some cases, the infection affects adults, while it is quite difficult. Children of the first year of life practically do not get chickenpox, as they receive antibodies from the mother, which eventually disappear.
The causative agent of chickenpox
The causative agent of chickenpox, a DNA virus, dies very quickly in the environment. In droplets of mucus that gets into the air when talking, coughing or sneezing, he can live no more than 15 minutes. But penetrating into the body, it begins to multiply rapidly. People become the source of infection within 10 days of the incubation period and until the seventh day of the disease.

The causative agent of chickenpox is a DNA virus
The virus is practically not transmitted by household means, as it is unstable in the external environment, but with the current of air it can move quite significant distances (up to 20 meters) and penetrate into adjacent rooms, corridors and even move from one floor to another. Sometimes the pathogen of chickenpox is transmitted through the placenta from mother to child. The peak of the disease occurs in the autumn and winter periods.
The multiplication of the virus in epithelial cells leads to the fact that they die, and cavities filled with liquid (vesicles) are formed in this place. After opening the vesicles, the skin becomes crusted. A rash with chickenpox in adults affects not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes. The disease can occur in both men and women.
Chickenpox symptoms in an adult
Once the varicella-zoster virus enters the body, an early incubation period begins, which can last from 10 to 21 days, during which the patient has no symptoms.
Then the prodromal period begins. Since adults are prone to a more severe course of the disease, the first signs of chickenpox are more pronounced in them. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient develops symptoms of general malaise, body temperature rises (in some cases up to 40 ° C), body aches, muscle pain, loss of appetite.
Sometimes the prodromal period lasts only a few hours, and the patient cannot identify chickenpox, and the suspicion arises that he is starting to get a cold. A person understands what this disease is only after the appearance of a characteristic rash.
Chickenpox rash
At the next stage, after the virus is fixed in the cells of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes, a rash appears. As a result of the expansion of small vessels on the surface, redness occurs. The rash then appears as an inflamed, raised bump (serous edema).

The rash develops in several stages.
Subsequently, the top layer of the skin exfoliates, forming a cavity filled with a transparent liquid (vesicle). Suppuration may also occur and a pustule may form (can be seen in the photo).
Vesicles filled with fluid or pus sometimes break open, exposing a weeping surface. But in most cases, they dry out, resulting in crusts on the skin. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.
In adults, a rash on the mucous membranes appears more often than in children, and is accompanied by severe salivation. The bubbles in the oral cavity begin to open quickly, and erosion is found under them, which lead to the appearance of severe pain and difficulty in eating.
Intensity and localization of the rash
The number of bubbles formed can be different:
Disease form | Number of bubbles |
Easy | There is a single rash that can be easily counted |
Heavy | Bubbles cover the skin and mucous membranes in an almost continuous layer |
At the onset of the disease, the rash occurs on the trunk, arms and legs. In the future, it manifests itself on the skin of the scalp and face, as well as mucous membranes. In severe forms of the disease, rashes can occur on the genitals, conjunctiva of the eyes, palms and soles of the patient. In such cases, the mucous membranes are affected first.
A characteristic sign of chickenpox in adults is the so-called dripping. In one area of the skin after 3-4 days, not only papules and crusts can be observed, but also new elements of the rash.
Since the disease affects only the upper layers of the skin, the crusts quickly fall off, forming spots on the skin, which disappear after the chickenpox passes.
Common signs
With mild chickenpox, the patient's body temperature can rise to 38 ° C (in some cases, it remains normal). In severe cases, it can reach 40 ° C. The patient develops weakness, drowsiness, and loss of appetite.
Sometimes the disease is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and decreased blood pressure. With each repeated precipitation, a jump in temperature occurs. Fever often lasts for a week.
Chickenpox treatment in adults
Therapy for chickenpox depends on the age of the person, the general condition of his body and the severity of the disease. Many doctors say that with a mild to moderate degree of the disease, there is no need to take medications, since they do not give the desired effect, and the immune system copes with the virus on its own.

Sometimes the disease is severe, which requires the appointment of antiviral therapy
In severe forms of chickenpox, Acyclovir (Gerpevir) is prescribed. The course of therapy should last a week. Treatment is carried out at home, and only when complications develop, the patient is hospitalized.
Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) is prescribed as an antipyretic agent for chickenpox. Ibuprofen-based drugs are not prescribed for this disease, as several serious studies indicate that these drugs can cause severe skin infections.
In order to reduce itching, the doctor may prescribe a 1st generation antihistamine, for example, Suprastin. In addition to antipruritic, it has a mild sedative effect, which makes it possible to normalize sleep.
General care
Chickenpox is accompanied by severe itching, while scratching acne can lead to the addition of a secondary infection, resulting in purulent inflammation. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carefully care for the skin.
Water procedures
The skin must be clean, so if a person's condition is satisfactory, he does not have a high body temperature and fever, he can take a shower. Many doctors do not recommend wetting the rash, arguing that water contributes to the spread of infection.
But additional research shows that water treatments during illness are beneficial, as they wash away sweat and dirt from the skin, which provoke the appearance of new rashes, and also reduce itching.
Do not abuse bathing, a five-minute warm shower is enough. Do not use gels, soaps, shampoos, as they can cause severe irritation in contact with the skin. Also, during the treatment period, it is not recommended to use washcloths, as they can damage the inflamed skin.
Do not dry yourself with hard towels after bathing, or rub your skin strongly. After use, the towel must be washed and ironed.
Rash treatment
The rash that occurs on the skin is lubricated with antiseptic agents (Diamond Green, Fukortsin). Many doctors are skeptical about this method of treatment, as the use of such drugs does not promote early healing.
But moxibustion can temporarily relieve itching and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the wounds that can cause purulent inflammation. Also, lubricating the elements of the rash with coloring antiseptics allows you to monitor the course of the disease and note the appearance of new bubbles.
If the rash is located on the mucous membranes, a Furacilin solution is used for rinsing (1 tablet per 100 ml of boiling water).

Furacilin can be used to rinse the mouth.
You can also use extracts of chamomile and calendula. For their preparation, 2 g of dry raw materials are poured into 300 ml of boiling water and insisted for 40 minutes. After straining, the product is used to rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day.
General recommendations
To ease the course of the disease and eliminate intoxication, a patient with chickenpox needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. For these purposes, non-carbonated water, black or green tea, rosehip broth or dried fruit are suitable. During the treatment period, do not consume sour compotes, carbonated drinks or alcohol.
It is necessary to limit physical activity, the patient must comply with bed rest.
Chickenpox in adults is quite difficult and can lead to the development of complications. The rash can occur in the bronchi or on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, erosion appears in place of the bubbles, which can cause bleeding.
Complications of chickenpox include:
Complication | Description |
Pneumonia | The body temperature rises, shortness of breath and cough appear, the skin turns pale and becomes bluish |
Inflammation of the brain or meninges | There are disturbances in the work of the nervous system, up to a coma. In 20% of cases, encephalitis caused by chickenpox is fatal |
Chickenpox during pregnancy
Chickenpox is especially dangerous during pregnancy. The virus crosses the placenta and has an adverse effect on the fetus. If the infection occurred in the early stages of pregnancy, the patient is recommended to have an abortion.

The disease is especially dangerous in pregnant women.
The consequence of chickenpox can be dystrophy, malformations of the extremities, scarring of the skin. In the future, the born child may suffer from a severe form of cerebral palsy, lag behind in mental and physical development.
In late pregnancy, the disease is not so dangerous. But if the infection occurred just before childbirth, the baby may have a severe congenital form of the disease, which in 20% of cases ends in death. Therefore, in preparation for pregnancy, women who do not have immunity to the disease should be vaccinated against chickenpox.
Since chickenpox is a particularly contagious disease, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid infection by being in the same room with the patient. As a prophylactic measure, after contact with a person who has chickenpox, anti-chickenpox immunoglobulin is administered.
Why is this viral disease dangerous, and is it possible to get chickenpox again? Immunity after chickenpox is lifelong, but the virus living in the body may become active at some point, resulting in shingles in the patient.
Most often, the disease occurs in the elderly. The disease affects not only the skin, but also the nervous system. It is quite difficult to cure it, and it can cause severe pain.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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