Amputation I - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Amputation I - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Amputation I - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Amputation I

Amputation I (lat. Amputatio - cutting off) is a surgical operation to cut off a limb or its peripheral part with the intersection (biting, sawing) bones or removal of an organ (breast, uterus, penis).

The following types of amputation are distinguished:

  • Periosteal (aperiostalis; synonyms: aperiosteal amputation, Bunge amputation) - excision performed with sawing the bone 10 mm distal to the level of periosteum dissection;
  • Secondary (secundaria) - amputation of a limb after an injury that caused severe, life-threatening complications;
  • Guillotine (guillotinea) - circular amputation, produced by the intersection of all soft tissues to the bone at once, followed by sawing the bone at the same level;
  • Osteoplastic (osteoplastica) - amputation, during which bone sawdust is covered with bone autograft to create a supporting stump;
  • Circular (circularis) - amputation performed by a circular layer-by-layer incision; the muscles of the limb are intersected proximal to the skin incision, bones - proximal to the place of muscle intersection;
  • Patchwork - amputation with cutting out 1-2 skin-muscle flaps and crossing the bone at their base; the flaps are cut out taking into account that the scar is on the less loaded surface of the stump;
  • High uterus (uteri alta) - removal of the body of the uterus while preserving its lower part;
  • Supravaginal uterus (uteri supravaginalis) - removal of the body of the uterus while maintaining the distal part of the cervix;
  • Primary (primaria) - amputation of a limb after an injury, due to the severity of the injury;
  • Primary transport - amputation of the primary limb, which is retained on soft tissue flaps with its obvious nonviability;
  • Subperiosteal (istor.; subperiostalis) - amputation with sawing the bone proximal to the intersection of the periosteum after its detachment in the form of a cuff, which is then covered with bone sawdust;
  • Late (tarda) - amputation due to irreparable consequences of a disease or injury, making the limb functionally unsuitable and burdensome for the patient;
  • Partial amputation (partialis) - amputation with removal of only the medial, middle or lateral part of the foot or hand with the corresponding fingers.

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