Acrodermatitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Acrodermatitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Acrodermatitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Acrodermatitis (acrodermatitis; Greek akros - the most distant, extreme, high + derma (dermatos) - skin + Latin it (word-form suffix) - inflammatory process) is the general name for a group of dermatoses with exclusive or predominant lesions of the distal extremities.


  • Acrodermatitis pustular (acrodermatitis pustulosa; synonym: persistent acrodermatitis, Allopo pustular persistent acrodermatitis, recurrent suppurative polydactylitis) - acrodermatitis, which is characterized by bluish-red hyperemia and tension of the skin of the fingers with the appearance of small pustules on it, somewhat less often. Gradually spreads along the limb, in some cases - throughout the body;
  • Chronic atrophic acrodermatitis (acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans: synonym: erythromelia, Peak erythromelia, Herxheimer's atrophodermatitis, idiopathic progressive skin atrophy, Meshchersky progressive dystrophic erythema, Herxheimer-Hartmann's chronic atrophic acroderma-sympathetic erythema) the back of the hands and feet, as well as in the area of the knee and elbow joints (on one limb or symmetrically), slowly spreading over the entire limb. In the future, atrophy of the affected skin develops;
  • Acrodermatitis enteropathic (acrodermatitis enteropathica; synonym: Brandt syndrome, Danbolt-Kloss syndrome) is acrodermatitis that usually develops in children under 2 years of age. The disease is characterized by blistering rashes around the anus, mouth, eyes, as well as in the knees, elbows, groin-femoral folds, on the buttocks, thighs, where scaly plaques are subsequently formed. Enteropathic acrodermatitis is accompanied by photophobia, onychopathy, hair loss, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

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