Aminoaciduria - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Aminoaciduria - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Aminoaciduria - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Aminoaciduria (aminoaciduria; English amino acid - amino acid + Greek uron - urine; synonym: hyperaminoaciduria) - increased excretion of one or more amino acids in the urine or the presence in the urine of their metabolic products, which are not normally contained in it.


  • Aminoaciduria benign familial (aminoaciduria benigna familiaris) - hereditary aminoaciduria arising from a violation of the reabsorption of amino acids in the renal tubules; the disease is most often inherited in a dominant manner;
  • Aminoaciduria hereditary (aminoaciduria hereditaria) - the general name for metabolic disorders of amino acids associated with genetic causes that lead to the development of aminoaciduria;
  • Aminoaciduria overload (synonym: prerenal aminoaciduria) - arising from a genetically determined increase in the concentration of amino acids in the blood, proceeding without disturbing their reabsorption in the renal tubules or as a secondary phenomenon in diseases that violate the deamination function of the liver.

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