Ampula II - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Ampula II - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Ampula II - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:


Ampoule II

Ampula II (ampulla) is a term used in anatomy. An ampulla is an enlarged part of a tubular organ (intestine, duct, semicircular canal).


  • Bone ampulla anterior (posterior, lateral) [ampulla ossea anterior (posterior, lateralis) - PNA (Anatomical nomenclature Parisian), BNA (Anatomical nomenclature Basel), JNA (Anatomical nomenclature Jena)] - ampulla anterior (posterior, lateral) semicircular canal located in the bony labyrinth of the inner ear;
  • Ampoule of the fallopian tube [ampulla tubae uterinae - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature), BNA (Basel Anatomical Nomenclature), JNA (Jena Anatomical Nomenclature)] - an ampulla located between the funnel and the isthmus of the fallopian tube;
  • Ampoule membranous anterior (posterior, lateral) [ampulla membranacea anterior (posterior, lateralis) - PNA (Anatomical nomenclature Paris), BNA (Anatomical nomenclature Basel), JNA (Anatomical nomenclature Jena)] - ampulla anterior (posterior, lateral, semicircle) located in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear;
  • Ampulla hepatopancreatic [ampulla hepatopancreatica - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature); synonyms: ampulla of Vater, diverticulum vaters] - an ampoule located at the junction of the pancreatic duct and the orifices of the common bile duct (inside the large duodenal papilla);
  • Ampoule of the rectum [ampulla recti - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature), BNA (Basel Anatomical Nomenclature); pars ampullaris recti - JNA (Jena Anatomical Nomenclature)] - ampulla of the intestine, located in front of the anal canal;
  • Ampoule of the vas deferens [ampulla ductus deferentis - PNA (Parisian Anatomical Nomenclature), BNA (Basel Anatomical Nomenclature), JNA (Jena Anatomical Nomenclature)] is an ampulla located before the flow of the vas deferens into the vas deferens (behind the urinary duct).

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