Amyloidosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Amyloidosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Amyloidosis - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Amyloidosis (amyloidosis; Latin amylum, Greek amylon - starch + Greek eidos - species + Greek -ōsis (word-form suffix) - disease; synonym: amyloid dystrophy) - extracellular dysproteinosis, which is characterized by deposition in tissues of paramyloid (amyloid); leads to sclerosis, parenchymal atrophy and functional organ failure.

Allocate amyloidosis:

  • Secondary (secundaria; synonym: acquired amyloidosis) - develops as a result of chronic diseases, accompanied by suppuration and (or) tissue decay, or as one of the manifestations of myeloma;
  • Indian - hereditary disease with a relatively benign course; characterized by eye lesions, spleno- and hepatomegaly;
  • Local (localis; synonym: focal amyloidosis) - amyloidosis of limited areas of tissues or organs (conjunctiva, skin, prostate, pharynx, laryngeal mucosa);
  • Hereditary (hereditaria; synonym: genetic amyloidosis) - develops due to a genetic defect in protein synthesis;
  • Tumor (tumoroidea) - local amyloidosis with the formation of dense nodes with a tuberous surface; more often the mucous membranes of the urinary and respiratory tract and the skin are affected;
  • Primary (primaria; synonyms: genuinic amyloidosis, idiopathic amyloidosis) is the general name for amyloidosis of unclear etiology;
  • Pericollagenic (pericollagenica; synonym: mesenchymal amyloidosis) is a type of disease in which amyloid is deposited along the collagen fibers; affects the outer membrane of blood vessels of large and medium caliber, as well as nerves, myocardium, lungs, skeletal muscles, skin;
  • Perireticular (perireticularis; synonym: parenchymal amyloidosis) is a type of disease in which amyloid is deposited along the reticular fibers in internal organs and blood vessels; affects the kidneys, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, intestines;
  • Portuguese - hereditary amyloidosis with a malignant course; predominantly affects the peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscles;
  • Respiratory (respiratoria) - tumor amyloidosis of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Heart (cordis; synonyms: cardiovascular form of amyloidosis, cardiopathic form of amyloidosis) - primary or, less often, secondary amyloidosis, hereditary; characterized by the deposition of paramyloid (amyloid) in the myocardium, endocardium, walls of the vessels of the heart and pericardium;
  • Systemic (systemica; synonyms: Abercrombie syndrome, generalized amyloidosis, general amyloidosis, widespread amyloidosis) - characterized by the simultaneous deposition of amyloid in many tissues and organs of the body; the intestines, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, heart are most often affected;
  • Senile (senilis; synonym: senile amyloidosis) - primary amyloidosis with predominant damage to the heart, brain and pancreatic islets; develops in old age.

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