Allergy - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Allergy - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Allergy - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Allergy (allergia; Greek allos - other, other + Greek ergon - action) is a state of altered reactivity of the body in the form of an increase in its sensitivity to repeated exposure to any substances or to components of its own tissues. Its development is based on the immune response, which proceeds with tissue damage.

The following types of allergies are distinguished:

  • Bacterial (bacterialis) - to any types of bacteria or products of their vital activity;
  • Viral (viralis) - to the components of viral particles or products of their interaction with cells;
  • Helminthic (helminthica) - to any helminths or products of their vital activity;
  • Fungal (mycotica) - to any parasitic fungi or products of their vital activity;
  • Gastrointestinal (gastrointestinalis) - to any, except food, allergen, manifested by pronounced reactions from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Infectious (infectiosa) - to pathogens of infectious diseases or products of their vital activity;
  • Contact (contactilis) - to substances that enter the body naturally through the skin, oral mucosa or conjunctiva;
  • Latent (latens) - flowing in a given period of time without visible clinical symptoms;
  • Medicinal (medicamentosa) - to any drugs;
  • Microbial (microbica) - to any microorganisms or products of their vital activity;
  • Food (alimentaria; synonym: alimentary allergy) - to any food products;
  • Post-vaccination (postvaccinalis) - developing due to vaccination;
  • Protozoal (protozoalis) - to any organisms such as protozoa or to the products of their vital activity;
  • Professional (professionalis) - to any elements of the production environment;
  • Dusty (pulverea) - to household dust;
  • Thermal (thermalis) - a physical allergy to the effects of heat;
  • Tuberculin (tuberculinica) - to mycobacterium tuberculosis or their waste products;
  • Physical (physicalis) - to the action of any physical factors;
  • Cold (ex frigore) - a physical allergy to the effects of cold.

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