Biochemical Blood Test - Indications, Preparation, Indicators

Biochemical Blood Test - Indications, Preparation, Indicators
Biochemical Blood Test - Indications, Preparation, Indicators

Blood chemistry

The biochemical study is highly reliable. Biochemical blood test indicators are used in all areas of medical practice, because they reflect the functional state of almost all systems and organs.

According to the results of biochemical analysis, the following indicators are determined:

  • the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • leukocyte blood count;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • color indicator - displays the content of hemoglobin in 1 erythrocyte;
  • the percentage of red blood cells in a given blood volume (hematocrit)

How to prepare for a biochemical blood test

It is recommended to take blood for analysis on an empty stomach, from a vein. Before donating blood for biochemical analysis, the patient should refrain from eating food and liquids for 6-12 hours before the procedure. If a person is undergoing treatment and constantly takes medications throughout the day, he should consult a doctor about this.

Biochemical blood test in adults
Biochemical blood test in adults

If a patient is shown to donate blood for biochemical analysis more than once, for example, during treatment, to track the dynamics of the condition, he must know that it is desirable to do this at the same time: daily fluctuations, like the food consumed, affect the biochemical composition of the blood.

The analysis result is determined quickly - within one day. When using the express method, the indicators of a biochemical blood test can be determined within a few hours.

Biochemical blood test in children

Blood from a child is taken mainly to determine the functionality of the kidneys and liver, therefore, a standard biochemical blood test in children is designed to determine the following indicators:

  • total protein. Displays the level of globulin and albumin, characterizes the exchange of proteins in the liver. Its normal level is 60-80 g / l;
  • AST and ALT. Enzymes-markers reflecting the existing liver diseases. An increase in their level is observed in cholangitis, cirrhosis, infectious hepatitis, heatstroke;
  • total bilirubin. It can be direct or indirect and reflects the functionality of the liver;
  • urea. Displays the state of the excretory function of the kidneys, the exchange of proteins in the liver. The normal level of this indicator is 8.3 mmol / l. An increased level of urea in the biochemical analysis in children is observed with heart failure, burns, dehydration, stress, stagnation in the urinary ducts, gastric bleeding;
  • creatinine. The indicator displays the work of the kidneys. Its norm is 0.0350 - 0.06 mmol / l. A decrease in creatinine is observed with a low-protein or high-carbohydrate diet, celiac disease (indigestion). Creatinine rises in renal failure, chronic and acute pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal cysts and amyloidosis, metabolic pathologies.
  • Thymol test. This indicator is determined for the differential diagnosis of hepatitis A, B. Its indicator exceeds the norm in hepatitis A, but not in type B hepatitis.

A biochemical blood test in adults differs from a similar test in children. The list of the studied indicators in an adult is much larger. In addition, their characteristics and norms differ, which should be taken into account when decoding the results. In addition to those indicators that are determined when analyzing the blood of children, the following are important for adult patients:

  • cholesterol. Its norm is 3-6 mmol / l;
  • chlorine. An enzyme contained in gastric juice and extracellular fluid and regulates the acid-base balance of the blood. Its norm for an adult is 98-107 mmol / l;
  • magnesium. Contained in the liver, muscles, erythrocytes. Its norm is 0.65-1.05 mmol / l;
  • alpha-amylase. An increased level of the indicator, identified using a biochemical blood test in adults, indicates pancreatitis, stones, tumors and cysts in the pancreatic ducts, renal failure, acute peritonitis, diabetes, mumps, cholecystitis. The rate of this pancreatic amylase is 0-50 units / l; diastases - 28-100 units / l;
  • glucose. An important indicator of carbohydrate metabolism. The norm for an adult is 3.5-5.9 mmol / l; after 60 liters - 6.38 mmol / l.

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