Larynx - Structure, Treatment, Edema

Larynx - Structure, Treatment, Edema
Larynx - Structure, Treatment, Edema


Human larynx
Human larynx

The larynx is the upper part of the breathing tube, which is located in the front of the neck at the level of 4-7 vertebrae. The larynx is connected to the hyoid bone by the thyroid-hyoid membrane and from the sides it is adjacent to the thyroid-hyoid gland.

General characteristics of the larynx

The larynx plays an important role in the formation of human sounds and speech. Air entering through the larynx causes the vocal cords to vibrate and form sounds. The circulating air flow in the mouth, pharynx, and larynx is regulated by the nervous system and allows the person to speak and sing.

The larynx functions as a movement apparatus that has cartilage connected to the ligaments and joints of the muscles to regulate the vocal cords and change the glottis.

Larynx structure

The structure of the larynx is a skeleton of unpaired and paired cartilage.

Unpaired cartilages are

  • thyroid cartilage, which consists of wide plates at a certain angle;
  • cricoid cartilage is the basis of the larynx and is connected to the trachea by a ligament;
  • The supraglottic cartilage closes the entrance to the larynx when eating and adheres to the surface of the thyroid cartilage with the help of a ligament.

Paired cartilage:

  • arytenoid cartilage has the shape of a pyramid and is connected to a plate of cricoid cartilage;
  • the cartilaginous cartilages are cone-shaped and located in the scooplary laryngeal fold;
  • Wedge-shaped cartilages are wedge-shaped and are located above the cartilage cartilages.

The cartilages of the larynx are interconnected by joints and ligaments, and the free space is filled with membranes. When the air moves, the vocal cords are pulled and each of the cartilage plays a role in the formation of sounds.

The movement of all cartilage in the larynx is regulated by the anterior muscles of the neck. These muscles alter the position of the epiglottis cartilage when breathing, speaking, singing, and swallowing.

The structure of the larynx is aimed at performing the speech function and ensuring the activity of the vocal apparatus.

The muscles of the vocal apparatus are located in the larynx, which are divided into:

  • muscles of relaxation of the vocal cords - the vocal muscle, designed to narrow the glottis, and the thyroid-palate muscle, located in the anterior lateral part of the thyroid cartilage;
  • muscles of tension of the vocal cords - the cricothyroid muscle;
  • the muscles of the narrowing of the glottis - the lateral cricoid muscle, which changes the position of the arytenoid cartilage, and the transverse arytenoid muscle, which brings the arytenoid cartilages closer and pulls them;
  • the expansion muscles of the glottis is the posterior cricoid muscle, which rotates the arytenoid cartilage and changes the position of its vocal processes.

Diseases of the larynx

Diseases of the larynx are inflammatory, infectious and allergic in nature.

Larynx structure
Larynx structure

The most common diseases of the larynx include the following.

Acute laryngitis, which is accompanied by inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. This disease occurs as a result of exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous factors are irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, hypothermia, exposure to the mucous membrane of harmful substances (gas, chemicals, dust, etc.), intake of very cold or very hot food and liquids. Endogenous factors include lowered immunity, severe diseases of the digestive system, allergies, atrophy of the laryngeal mucosa.

Laryngitis often appears during adolescence, especially in boys with voice mutations. A serious reason for the development of acute laryngitis can be bacterial flora - streptococcus, influenza virus, rhinovirus, coronovirus.

Infiltrative laryngitis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and deep-lying tissues. The inflammatory process takes place in the ligaments, perichondrium and muscles of the vocal apparatus. The main cause of infiltrative laryngitis is infections that penetrate the tissues of the larynx during infectious diseases and injuries.

Laryngeal angina is an acute infectious disease, which is accompanied by damage to the lymphatic tissues of the larynx, thickening of the mucous membrane and inflammation of the lingual surface of the epiglottis.

Laryngeal edema often develops with allergic reactions of various etiologies. Laryngeal edema manifests itself as an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the larynx. This disease is the result of another inflammatory or infectious process in the larynx.

Acute laryngeal edema can develop under the influence of inflammatory processes, acute infectious diseases, injuries and tumors, allergic reactions and pathological processes that take place in the larynx and trachea.

Stenosis of the larynx narrows the lumen and obstructs air circulation in the lower airways. With stenosis of the larynx, there is a high risk of asphyxiation as a result of insufficient air passage into the lungs.

Laryngeal and tracheal stenoses of the larynx are considered and treated as a single disease. With the rapid course of the disease and the occurrence of a high risk of severe respiratory impairment, emergency medical attention is required.

Larynx treatment and voice restoration

The main factors for weakening the ligaments and loss of voice are:

  • viral infection;
  • inflammation caused by tension and overload of the ligaments;
  • damage to ligaments in a chemical or other production;
  • loss of voice on a nervous basis, due to neurosis;
  • irritation of the ligaments with spicy foods, hot or cold drinks.

Treatment of the larynx is carried out depending on the cause and type of the disease. Usually, the voice is restored without medical treatment, over time, the ligaments take a break from tension and recover.

There are several main ways to restore your voice:

  • elimination of irritant or allergen (dust, smoke, spicy food, cold liquid, etc.);
  • treatment of diseases of the pharynx - laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • avoiding tension in the ligaments, silence for several days;
  • rest and warmth, compresses on the neck.

If the inflammation of the ligamentous apparatus and larynx is chronic, then you should seek help from an otolaryngologist, undergo a medication course of treatment of the larynx and do special exercises to restore the voice and strengthen the ligaments.

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