Cocci in a smear
![Cocci - spherical bacteria Cocci - spherical bacteria](
In addition to various microorganisms, spherical bacteria - cocci - also live inside a person. Are they good for us? Sometimes yes, as in many cases they perform various useful functions. However, one should also remember about the existence of opportunistic and pathogenic coccal flora. That is, everything in our body should be in a certain amount and not exceed the norm. If in the body there is an active reproduction of cocci, this is sometimes fraught with rather unpleasant consequences.
Normal microflora in the smear
The predominantly normal microflora of the female vagina consists of acidophilic lactobacilli or, as they are also called, Daderlein's rods, as well as a small number of peptostreptococci (about 5%) and bifidumbacteria (about 10%). In this case, the main function of the normal microflora of the vagina is to create a special acidic environment in which pathogenic bacteria cannot grow and develop.
The beneficial microflora of the vagina is very important for the work of all organs and systems of the woman's body. Microorganisms perform the following functions:
- regulate acidity levels;
- destroy pathogenic bacteria and microbes;
- improve metabolic processes.
What does the presence of cocci in a smear indicate?
The presence of a large number of cocci in the smear indicates the process of alkalinization of the contents of the vagina. The reaction of the environment to the presence of cocci can be one of three:
- neutral (pH up to 5.0);
- slightly acidic (pH up to 7.0);
- alkaline (pH at around 7.5).
First, as a result of a slight shift in pH to the alkaline side, gram-positive diplococci are attached to acidophilic lactobacilli. At the same time, the number of Daderlein sticks themselves decreases. The slightly acidic and neutral environment of the vagina is characterized by a sharp decrease in acidophilic lactobacilli and the reproduction of a variety of microflora. In an alkaline environment, all acidophilic lactobacilli die, but many cocci appear. The presence of cocci in the smear indicates that the woman has begun vaginal dysbiosis. Also, the presence of cocci in a smear may indicate an inflammatory process (colpitis, etc.).
Cocci can have such unpleasant consequences as endometritis and erosion of the cervix, which in turn can provoke infertility. If cocci are found during pregnancy, they can cause inflammatory processes that spread to the uterine cavity, rectum and urethra, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
Cocci in a smear - causes
The reason for the violation of the vaginal microflora can be different. The most common causes of cocci are:
- long-term use of antibiotics by a woman, especially without a doctor's prescription;
- improper or inadequate body hygiene;
- early onset of sexual activity;
- frequent change of sexual partners;
- unprotected intercourse with an infected partner;
- using dirty hands or non-disinfected masturbation items;
- frequent wearing of synthetic or too tight underwear;
- frequent douching.
Cocci - symptoms
![Laboratory examination of a smear for the presence of cocci Laboratory examination of a smear for the presence of cocci](
The first symptom of the appearance of cocci should be attributed to a rather unpleasant odor, which under certain circumstances can become very strong. You can compare it with the smell of herring. Symptoms such as severe discharge, an increase in their viscosity and density, itching and burning in the vagina, and a feeling of discomfort also appear. The mucus can be yellowish or white in color.
Coccus treatment
When the first symptoms occur, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist and take a smear on the flora. The swab is taken directly on the gynecological chair using a special sterile spatula. Before taking a smear, a woman does not douche, as this will affect the accuracy of the indicators. Mucus for a smear is taken from the urethra, cervical canal and vaginal fornix. The material is applied to glass and subsequently dried and stained, after which it is studied in detail.
In a smear of a healthy woman, only single cocci located extracellularly can be found. If the change in the microflora of the vagina is caused by a genital infection, then pathogens are usually found in the smear. In gonorrhea, for example, the normal microflora of the vagina is completely suppressed, and the bean-shaped gonorrheal cocci predominate in the smear.
With trichomoniasis, Trichomonas is detected in a smear. If microflora disorders are not caused by sexually transmitted infections, but have occurred due to other factors, an increased number of leukocytes, fungi (candida) and multiple cocci are observed in the smear.
As a rule, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. In the presence of cocci during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes drugs that will not be potentially dangerous to the unborn child.
You should know that a woman can infect her sexual partner with cocci, so they should undergo cocci treatment together.
If the smear on the cocci is outside the normal range, then the woman may be prescribed an additional study for adequate treatment of the cocci. To detect possible infectious pathology (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, citalomegavirus, etc.), a woman is prescribed modern diagnostic methods: PIF, PCR, etc.
Prevention of cocci
In order for the coccal flora to no longer appear, a woman must observe the following rules:
- observe personal hygiene of the body, wash regularly and change underwear;
- to refuse from bad habits;
- be less nervous and avoid stressful situations;
- protect yourself during intercourse;
- do not lead a promiscuous sex life;
- eat properly.
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