Facial Massage For Wrinkles - Benefits, Benefits, Effectiveness

Facial Massage For Wrinkles - Benefits, Benefits, Effectiveness
Facial Massage For Wrinkles - Benefits, Benefits, Effectiveness

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Facial massage for wrinkles

Facial massage to get rid of wrinkles
Facial massage to get rid of wrinkles

Few people know that a properly performed facial massage against wrinkles is comparable in effectiveness to high-quality plastic surgery. Why do wrinkles appear? A complex mechanism is involved here, the main link of which is the loss of elasticity not only of the skin, but also of the entire subcutaneous-muscle-fat layer - that is, everything that makes up the soft tissues of the face. That is why lifting the skin alone is not as effective as compared to deep facelifting, when not only the superficial skin layer is stretched, but also deeper layers.

However, facial massage for wrinkles can restore lost tone even without plastic surgery, and if you take into account the postoperative risks, it becomes surprising how few women concerned about aging in appearance resort to this effective and safe method. Apparently, ignorance plays a role here, and we will try to fill this gap.

Facial massage from wrinkles has a whole range of effects on facial tissues. Firstly, the muscular frame of the face is tightened, which is important, because the sagging of the tissues plays an almost decisive role in aging. As a result of the massage, blood circulation is increased, thereby improving cell metabolism. This leads to the fact that aging skin receives additional nutrition, more effective and much better absorbed than nourishing creams.

The function of not only blood vessels, but also lymphatic vessels improves, which means that one of the actions of a face massage against wrinkles will be the disappearance of flabby bags under the eyes and swelling on the face. In addition, good work of the lymphatic vessels leads to an improved elimination of cellular toxins. The skin is cleansed, acquires a beautiful natural uniform color and matte shade, inflammatory elements such as blemishes, acne, blackheads, pigmentation disappear.

Facial massage from wrinkles is comparable to the effect of plastic surgery
Facial massage from wrinkles is comparable to the effect of plastic surgery

We all know that the direct cause of wrinkle formation is tissue loss of water. Moisturizing the face is the cornerstone of anti-aging techniques. If you regularly practice face massage for wrinkles, skin hydration will occur naturally, by getting the right amount of moisture from the blood and interstitial fluid. Thus, regular massage produces a natural lifting effect. It is also important that even if you do it yourself, not at home, but in a good salon, it will cost you much less than most cosmetic procedures aimed at nourishing, moisturizing and maintaining skin tone, not to mention operational facelift.

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