Fasting For One Day - Action, Effectiveness

Fasting For One Day - Action, Effectiveness
Fasting For One Day - Action, Effectiveness

Fasting for one day

Fasting for one day is an effective treatment
Fasting for one day is an effective treatment

Fasting for long periods of time (several days) can be difficult and even hazardous to your health. Fasting for one day, on the other hand, is the only natural way to treat or relieve symptoms of almost any disease.

In eastern countries such as India and the Middle East, one-day fasting is practiced constantly and is the norm. It is powerful, effective, fast and free of charge.

Fasting for one day is ideal for both beginners and more experienced people. For the first time, it will be difficult for beginners to endure the whole day without food, and if dry fasting is observed, then also without water, but all subsequent times will be much easier.

Important note: Fasting for 24 hours is not recommended during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age and if necessary, take medication.

Fasting for a day once a week allows the body to cleanse and rest.

Often, 1 day of fasting is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, discomfort and other withdrawal symptoms, especially for beginners, but all this is part of the cleansing process in the body: excess fat or weight will be burned, as well as chemicals and other poisons that will be excreted from the body … Only diseased or worn-out tissue will be destroyed during fasting, because the body is not stupid enough to destroy its own healthy tissue.

The action of one day fasting

A one-time one-day fasting will not be able to cure the body of long-standing diseases and completely restore it, but if fasting is observed periodically, the benefits will certainly be obvious. Frequent or repetitive fasting, such as fasting every other day, will be much more effective.

One of the ways fasting works every other day is to contract or constrict tissues and arteries, which allows you to clear the toxins stuck in the walls of blood vessels and tissues. In addition, fasting thins the blood, which is cleansed of its toxins, which can cause dizziness, which will disappear as soon as the blood condition returns to normal.

Fasting for one day will teach the body self-management and discipline. This will greatly help you get rid of bad habits or addictions that destroy your body's health and will help you develop new and positive habits.

Fasting once every 7 days is not such a big sacrifice, especially when you consider the reward received in the form of body health.

You need to start a one-day fast in the evening, right after the last light meal. By the time the body wakes up, half of the fasting period will be over. It is better to extend the fasting period to 36 hours, but this is only for those who have experience in this matter.

Ekadashi fasting is a regular one-day fasting 2 times a month
Ekadashi fasting is a regular one-day fasting 2 times a month

The way out of a one-day fast is very simple - after 24 hours after starting, you can drink water or diluted lemon juice with honey, and throughout the first day of the exit, it is better to eat fruits, nuts, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

Fasting Ekadashi

Fasting Ekadashi is a regular daily abstinence from food and water, observed twice a month on the 11th and 26th lunar days, that is, on the 11th day after the new moon and full moon, which are called Ekadashi days in the East.

Fasting Ekadashi helps to purify the physical, mental and spiritual body of a person. According to Ayurvedicists, Ekadashi days are so powerful due to the fact that the 11th and 26th lunar days are the days when the attraction between the Earth and the Moon becomes stronger than usual, which, in turn, affects the ebb and flow in water bodies, and the like. structures in the human body (blood, lymph). This effect disrupts the balance of hormones and body fluids, which leads to pathologies and mental imbalance and stress. If you eat heavy and fatty foods on such days, it will be difficult for the body to digest it, and it will spend all its energy on this process. And if on such days you allow the intestines to rest a little and completely starve, then the body, instead of digesting food, will self-purify from toxins,which will have a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole.

1 day of fasting Ekadashi means ideally a complete rejection of food and water, which helps not only to improve physically, but also to purify bad karma and mitigate the negative consequences of committed sins.

On the eve of Ekadashi fasting, it is better not to eat heavy foods, as this will lead to thirst the next day. Daily fasting begins with sunrise, and ends with sunrise the next day. The way out of daily fasting should be correct, namely, you need to start the next morning with a glass of water with lemon juice and salt, and after 10 minutes you can eat any fruit, and after another 10 minutes eat yogurt.

If it is difficult for a person to endure 1 day of fasting Ekadashi, then one can eat some fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, nuts, dried fruits, water and dairy products that day.

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