Diet Kg Per Day - Principles, Features, Diet

Diet Kg Per Day - Principles, Features, Diet
Diet Kg Per Day - Principles, Features, Diet

Diet "Kg per day"

Features of the diet kg per day
Features of the diet kg per day

Diet "Kg per day" - a special, strict diet, which allows you to reduce weight by 1 kg per day. This method of losing weight belongs to fast diets, which must be followed with extreme caution. Nowadays, there are many variations of the menu that contribute to rapid weight loss. What is the risk of following such a diet? How to properly prepare for the "kg per day" diet?

Diet "Kg per day": principles of weight loss, risks of dieting

At the heart of any diet, various principles of weight loss are involved: rapid cleansing (based on the use of foods that cleanse the intestines), the start of fat burning, which is achieved by reducing the energy value of the foods consumed, reducing the amount of food consumed (actual fasting). First of all, you need to understand that fast diets (diets that allow you to significantly reduce weight in a relatively short period of time) cause significant harm to the body: they lead to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalance, and mental disorders. It has been scientifically proven that the optimal rate of weight loss, which does not harm the body, is up to 500 g of stable weight loss per week and, accordingly, up to 2 kg of stable weight loss per month. All other diets, including the "Kg per day" diet,must be observed with care.

Contraindications to adherence to the "kg per day" diet are:

  • Children and adolescents;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • The period of rehabilitation after previous diseases and surgical interventions.

It should also be understood that fat burning processes take a certain amount of time. The body needs time to reorganize its nutrition into internal reserves (the body burns its own stored fats). If you follow the "kg per day" diet, weight loss is based on cleansing the body, as well as reducing the amount of food consumed.

The most effective diets that allow you to lose 1 kg per day are mono-diets, which suggest the use of one product per day.

The choice of any diet should be based primarily on the patient's baseline indicators:

  • BMI and its deviation from the norm;
  • General health status;
  • Functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Desired results.

However, it is not recommended to follow the "kg per day" diet for more than 3 days in a row, even with ideal baseline data.

Diet "1 kg per day": basic diet, duration of adherence

The 1kg per day diet promotes rapid weight loss. The main principle of losing weight while following this type of diet is to significantly reduce the amount of food consumed and its calorie content. One of the “1 kg per day” diets offers the following menu:

  • 1st day - green tea, low-fat cottage cheese (up to 200 g), 1 apple, 1 glass of kefir. These products are allowed to be distributed at will during the day. However, the day ends with a glass of kefir no later than 18.00. After that, the use of other foods and tea is not recommended;
  • 2nd day - green tea, boiled rice without salt, spices, oil, kefir. For effective weight loss, it is recommended to boil 1.5 cups of rice and distribute it throughout the day. The last meal is kefir, after which it is not recommended to drink tea and use other products;
  • 3rd day - green tea, fresh vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities, a small amount of olive oil for the salad is allowed (oil can be replaced with lemon juice). Traditionally, an evening meal no later than 18.00 is a glass of kefir, after which all other products of the day are not recommended.

To correctly assess the results of the proposed diet, it is recommended to measure the weight before starting the diet, and then one day after its completion. Thus, 4 days will pass between the two measurements. According to the rules, weight is measured in the morning. Daily weight control during the "Kg per day" diet is not helpful.

There are various variations of the "1 kg per day" diet, the menu of which allows the use of bread, meat, legumes. However, it should be remembered that in pursuit of the idea of losing weight, it is necessary to give preference to healthy products: whole grain bread, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, pasta made from durum wheat. Any healthy diet, as well as a 1 kg per day diet, involves the elimination of fried foods. All products are eaten raw and boiled. For maximum preservation of nutrients, minimum heat treatment is recommended.

Diet on a diet of 1 kg per day
Diet on a diet of 1 kg per day

If you follow the "kg per day" diet, you must carefully monitor the state of your body and its response to the diet. If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately stop following the diet:

  • Dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, loss of consciousness;
  • Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, upset.

The 1 kg per day diet is not recommended for long-term adherence. For those seeking significant weight loss, it is recommended to choose a different diet or alternate diet days with periods of normal eating.

It should also be noted that the usual diet after the "kg per day" diet also needs to be changed:

  • Exclusion of harmful products;
  • Compliance with the diet;
  • Do not overeat;
  • Regular consumption of fermented milk products to maintain bowel function.

Diet "Day after Day": nutritional features

Diet "Day after Day" - a special diet that allows you to get rid of excess weight without harming the body. The principle of the diet is simple: a day of regular food alternates with a fasting day. Further, the "Day after Day" diet is governed by the general rules of all diets. Fatty foods, fried and other high-calorie foods, sweets and treats useless for the body are excluded from the diet. It is also necessary to adhere to a strict diet during the day: the last meal is allowed no later than 19.00, at least 3 hours should pass between meals. Fasting day involves the use of a third of the usual diet. The calorie content of the fasting day menu should not exceed 1000 calories.

The main benefits of this diet are:

  • Compliance security;
  • Simplicity and affordability;
  • Lack of physical and psychological stress for the body;
  • Efficiency and consolidation of the achieved result;
  • An individual approach, since the diet is not limited in the duration of adherence.

Diet "Minus kg per day": the effectiveness of weight loss

Speaking about the effectiveness of the "Minus kg per day" diet, it is worth emphasizing that the achieved result also requires consolidation. The first results of the "Kg per day" diet are achieved through cleansing the body. However, if the result is not fixed, then the weight will return soon. It takes much longer for the body to start burning fat. Weight loss on the "Minus kg per day" diet is a fast and dangerous rate of weight loss for the body, which can lead to irreversible consequences:

  • Infertility (male and female);
  • Anorexia;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Mental disorders.

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