Nurofen Candles For Children

Nurofen Candles For Children
Nurofen Candles For Children

Nurofen candles for children

Nurofen candles for children - reviews and recommendations
Nurofen candles for children - reviews and recommendations

Nurofen is a synonym for a well-known drug called ibuprofen from the group of anti-inflammatory non-hormonal drugs. Otherwise, they are called non-steroidal, because these medicines do not contain hormones - glucocorticoids. These are substances that are synthesized in the body during any inflammatory processes. Therefore, Nurofen suppositories are so popular for children who do not have a systemic effect of cortisone.

The mechanism of action of Nurofen

Ibuprofen is chemically similar to other drugs in the group of anti-inflammatory non-hormonal agents. From this group, aspirin, indomethacin and even analgin. However, each of the medications has its own side effects. Nurofen suppositories for children have no effect on the intestinal and stomach mucous membrane. This is its advantage. The medicine is used for inflammatory processes of any localization, because ibuprofen is absorbed into the general bloodstream.

Rectal suppositories are inserted into the anus and absorbed into the rectum, the lower third of which has a vasculature that does not communicate with the portal vein, that is, with the liver. Due to the anatomical and physiological features of the rectum, rectal administration of the drug has a powerful and almost instantaneous effect, somewhat similar to intravenous administration.

Suppositories Nurofen for children contain ibuprofen, which blocks the synthesis of special substances - inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins. They have a destructive effect on cells at the site of injury. The inflammatory reaction becomes widespread, since prostaglandins act directly on the center of thermoregulation located in the hypothalamus.

When using ibuprofen, the inflammatory response subsides, as it loses the real prerequisites. In the absence of the necessary ingredients, the biochemical process is interrupted.

In addition, ibuprofen has increased selectivity for nerve and connective tissue cells. That is why Nurofen suppositories are prescribed for children with manifestations of angina, which is caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus - the main "culprit" in the development of rheumatism. Ibuprofen blocks the receptors in the nerve tissue, thereby relieving pain. At the same time, the sites of accumulation of streptococci in the connective tissues overlap: the articular surfaces and the valve apparatus of the heart.

Like acetylsalicylic acid, nurofen thins the blood by reducing platelet aggregation.

With rectal administration, the peak of ibuprofen action begins after 45 minutes. The drug is excreted from the body after 3-4 hours.

Nurofen candles for children, instructions for use

Nurofen candles for children are recommended from the age of three months to two years. The interval between the administration of suppositories should be at least six hours. Maximum dosage of the drug: 10 mg / kg of the child's weight. If the baby receives ibuprofen (nurofen) in the form of a powder or suspension, both forms of the drug should be taken into account and summed up so as not to cause an overdose.

Possible side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, bloating;
  • Central nervous system. Dizziness, tinnitus, headache;
  • The cardiovascular system. Blood pressure surges, swelling;
  • Urinary system. An increase in the content of urea in blood plasma, the development of reactive interstitial nephrosis;
  • The blood system. Coagulation disorders, leukopenia, agranulocytosis;
  • Allergic reactions. Quincke's edema, urticaria.

Instructions for use of the drug provide a clear dosage, exceeding which is dangerous to health.

Contraindications for use:

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Gout;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Hives;
  • Individual intolerance to ibuprofen.

It is undesirable to use Nurofen suppositories for children if the following medicines have already been prescribed:

  • Anticoagulants - blood thinners;
  • Antihypertensive drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • Glucocorticoids - steroid anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Diuretics.

In order to prevent overdose phenomena, you should not use Nurofen suppositories for children for more than three days to reduce body temperature, and five - with pain.

Nurofen candles for children, reviews

Parents who choose drugs on their own note their effect on the child and write reviews reflecting their personal attitude towards drugs. Regarding the drug Nurofen candles for children, the reviews are emotionally colored, in this regard, useful information can be highlighted, adhering to the following scheme:

  • Availability;
  • Ease of use;
  • The speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect and its duration;
  • Recommendations for use.

The drug is available and sold without a prescription. Currently, Nurofen candles for children can be purchased in the online store.

Parents note the small size of the suppository, which greatly facilitates its administration. However, the lack of practice of using rectal suppositories leads to an undesirable result - suppositories do not stay in the child's rectum. Re-introduction, again, does not lead to the desired effect. With repeated attempts, the following occurs: mental irritation of the child, partial assimilation of the drug, threatening an overdose. To exclude such complications, you should consult with the pediatrician or the local nurse of the children's consultation about the technique of introducing the suppository.

When using the drug Nurofen candles for children, the instruction contains a list of indications and contraindications. Strict adherence to the recommendations provides the necessary therapeutic effect within 10-15 minutes, sometimes earlier.

Nurofen candles for children - instructions for use
Nurofen candles for children - instructions for use

Users complain about the short duration of the therapeutic effect of the drug, however, with a half-life of ibuprofen of two hours, it is not necessary to expect a therapeutic effect over the whole night. It must be remembered that nurofen is not an antibacterial drug that affects the cause of inflammation, but is a symptomatic agent. After lowering body temperature and reducing pain, you should consult a doctor in order to determine the causative agent of the infection.

In some cases, during teething, for example, it is enough to stop the production of prostaglandins, after which the inflammatory reaction subsides and does not resume. But you should not count on rectal suppositories as a panacea.

The most effective element of hidden advertising for any product is the personal recommendation of the person using the product. Parents write that Nurofen candles for children quickly relieve signs of inflammation and recommend the use of suppositories, enthusiastic responses quickly find feedback from people. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the prehistory of the use of the drug: in what conditions and for what diseases it was used. Why did it help the child or, conversely, worsened the baby's health.

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