How The Face Changes During Pregnancy

How The Face Changes During Pregnancy
How The Face Changes During Pregnancy

How the face changes during pregnancy

Is it safe to clean your face during pregnancy
Is it safe to clean your face during pregnancy

Giving life to your child is a great happiness. Many women are ready to overcome all difficulties and inconveniences on the way to the desired motherhood. Fortunately, most of the negative changes in the body of a pregnant woman go away with the birth of a baby.

Expectant mothers are worried that their face may change slightly during pregnancy. Especially the deterioration of the facial skin can cause them great concern. During the waiting period for the baby, changes in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands occur in the body, the hormonal background changes. These processes are often reflected in the condition of the facial skin. It becomes oily with a glossy shine, or, conversely, dry, peeling off, age spots appear, the face is full of heat. Women, both with light and dark skin, face unpleasant changes during pregnancy.

Spots on the face during pregnancy: cause and treatment

A common problem that upsets women during the second trimester is chloasma. It manifests itself as pigmented spots on the nose, forehead or cheeks.

Spots on the face during pregnancy appear as a result of the ongoing processes of hormonal changes in the body. A change in the amount of melanin pigment plays a decisive role here. It is responsible for the color of the skin and hair and protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. During pregnancy, the secretion of melanocyte-stimulating hormone by the adrenal glands increases. As a result, melanin is released in large quantities, which leads to hyperpigmentation. This is the reason for the appearance of spots on the face. The sun's rays can also stimulate their occurrence, so women are advised not to abuse sun exposure and use a hypoallergenic sunscreen.

Doctors do not advise to radically deal with age spots on the face during pregnancy. Before the baby is born, it will not work to remove them, but you can make them less noticeable with the help of folk methods.

Folk remedies for age spots on the face:

  • Lotions with fresh sour milk or lemon juice and honey (2 tbsp. L.). The lotion is applied with gauze for 20 minutes;
  • Masks with fresh cucumber or parsley gruel are applied to the age spot for 20-30 minutes, and then washed off with water.

A red face during pregnancy is temporary

Often, women who are expecting a baby glow with a blush. A red face during pregnancy is due to biological processes in the body of the expectant mother. During the period of gestation, the total blood volume increases. The many blood vessels on the surface of the cheeks, due to the increased blood flow, cause them to blush. With the birth of the baby, the face will return to its normal color.

Facial cleansing during pregnancy

Pigmented spots on the face during pregnancy
Pigmented spots on the face during pregnancy

Women want to look good even while waiting for the baby. Changes in the condition of the facial skin in pregnant women often contribute to its intense pollution and the appearance of blackheads and acne. This fact cannot be ignored. During pregnancy, it is important to choose the right approach to facial skin treatment. Not all cleaning products and procedures are suitable for expectant mothers. A beautician consultation will help you identify and choose safe grooming methods. It will not be superfluous to find out the opinion of your gynecologist about the procedures recommended by the cosmetologist. This decision will help you choose a method that will not harm either the woman or her baby.

It is most reasonable to give preference to the most gentle hygienic cleaning of the face. Facial cleansing during pregnancy consists of two stages. At the initial stage, various impurities are removed from the open pores. In the final stage of cleaning, pore tightening procedures with anti-inflammatory action are carried out.

Although changes in the skin of a pregnant woman's face can be worrisome, do not be too upset, because with the appearance of the baby, she will regain her former beautiful appearance.

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