Mood changes during pregnancy

One of the invariable companions that accompany pregnancy throughout its entire duration are mood changes, which cause a lot of trouble for both the pregnant woman herself and her environment. Unlike popular belief, these mood swings are caused not by a capricious nature, but by quite objective reasons. At the beginning of pregnancy, psychoemotional instability is associated with a change in hormonal levels, in the middle, and especially at the end of pregnancy, this is usually an irritation due to increasing inconveniences.
Psychologists, in order to try to explain to men what a pregnant woman experiences in the third, final trimester, like to do the following: a pillow is tied to the man's stomach, weighing about five kilograms, and they ask him to perform his usual everyday actions with this voluminous load. This experience is always popular with psychologists and future fathers, despite the fact that it gives an extremely limited idea of the feelings of a woman during this period. If only that, then there probably would not have been any mood changes.
In addition to the changed weight and the restriction of movement associated with the abdomen, the center of gravity in women is shifted, as well as the pelvic bones are slightly moved apart. Because of this, a waddling gait appears, pain in the lower back and legs. The woman feels clumsy like a hippopotamus and awkward. The enlarged uterus presses on the internal organs, which is why you often want to go to the toilet in a small way. The baby in the belly pushes and sometimes hiccups, which is why your belly begins to shake from time to time. Often this happens at night - isn't it, there will be mood changes, even if the baby is long-awaited and already beloved in advance?
Therefore, those around them should be sympathetic to the mood swings of a pregnant woman, and try with all their might to alleviate her situation. To do this, you need to create maximum comfort, both physical and psychological. Communication with friends by position also helps: it is always easier when you are surrounded by people who experience the same thing as you. Such a company can be found in the classes of the school of future parents.
It will be great if the pregnant woman herself tries not to become unpleasant (which does not mean at all not to pay attention to the alarming symptoms!), But to try to get the most out of her current state. After all, it doesn't last long, and it won't repeat itself too often, right? Many women, later recalling their pregnancy with a smile, remember not the troubles associated with the situation, not the inconvenience of increased weight and not changes in mood, but the care and attention of loved ones and the kindness of strangers shown to them.
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