Thyroid Gland - Prevention

Thyroid Gland - Prevention
Thyroid Gland - Prevention

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Thyroid gland - prevention

Thyroid disease - prevention
Thyroid disease - prevention

The thyroid gland is the most important organ of the endocrine system, its diseases disrupt the metabolism in the body. Thyroid hormones regulate many processes that ensure the normal functioning of the body. Diseases of the thyroid gland, as a rule, are chronic, lead to an imbalance of all organs and systems, without exception, and although at present this condition is quite amenable to correction with hormonal therapy, treatment is still troublesome, long-term, sometimes lifelong. Therefore, the prevention of thyroid diseases is the most important condition for maintaining health.

According to statistics, most diseases of the thyroid gland appear after suffering stress - one-time acute or constantly acting small. In this regard, stress resistance takes the most important place in the prevention of the thyroid gland. For its development, it is necessary that a person has a normal sleep and wakefulness regime, in particular, there should be enough sleep for good rest. You also need to try to avoid psycho-emotional overstrain where possible.

The second factor that triggers destructive processes in the thyroid gland is infectious diseases, especially often acute viral infections - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, as well as chronic infectious processes in the ENT organs (ear, throat, nose). Therefore, in order to prevent diseases of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to increase the protective properties of the body, strengthen the immune system. Nothing serves to strengthen the immune system like a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, regular stay in the fresh air, an orderly daily life. It is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity and nose, make sure that there are no chronic foci of infection in the body.

An important condition for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland is a sufficient iodine content in food. Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, if it is not enough, disturbances occur both in the flow of thyroid-stimulating hormones into the blood, and in the structure of the gland itself. Prevention of the thyroid gland includes monitoring the intake of iodine from food, and correction in case of insufficient or excess, which is also bad, iodine content.

Prevention of thyroid diseases
Prevention of thyroid diseases

The iodine content in food and water depends on the area of residence. It is necessary to check the sanitary indicators and find out how things are with iodine in the area where you live. If it turns out that there is a lack of this element, iodine will need to be additionally introduced with food. For example, iodized salt is made for this purpose, you can also get additional iodine by eating seaweed, sea fish and seafood, persimmons, feijoa, chokeberry, walnuts and kiwi.

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