Swelling During Pregnancy

Swelling During Pregnancy
Swelling During Pregnancy

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Swelling during pregnancy

Swelling during pregnancy is far from the norm
Swelling during pregnancy is far from the norm

Pregnancy is always an additional burden on a woman's body, because now he has to work for two. In this case, two systems are the most vulnerable: cardiovascular and excretory. Violations of each of them are manifested primarily by the appearance of edema. Contrary to the opinion that can often be found, swelling during pregnancy is far from the norm. Swelling is never normal, but always evidence that either the heart or the kidneys are not working effectively.

Most often, swelling during pregnancy occurs on the legs, less often on the face and arms. The legs are another part of the body that is overstressed due to the increased pressure. You can also notice that the feet swell, as a result of which the shoes become uncomfortable and the legs get tired quickly.

What to do if swelling occurs during pregnancy? Contact the antenatal clinic where you are registered as soon as possible. Only a doctor is able to pinpoint the cause of water imbalance and prescribe appropriate treatment. Edema during pregnancy can be a manifestation of small deviations that require simple correction - a special drinking regime, a diet with limited salt, which, as you know, retains water in the body. However, they can also be a formidable sign of gestosis, a rather dangerous condition, in their extreme forms threatening the life of not only the fetus, but also the pregnant woman herself. The danger increases in the later stages.

The cause of edema during pregnancy is the increased stress on the kidneys and cardiovascular system
The cause of edema during pregnancy is the increased stress on the kidneys and cardiovascular system

If it turns out that the cause of edema during pregnancy is an increased load on the kidneys and cardiovascular system, and there are no gross violations, it is usually enough to take simple measures. It is important to monitor the flow of fluid into the body, and the difficulty lies in the fact that dehydration is just as undesirable as fluid abuse. For drinking, it is best to drink water without gas, as it quenches thirst best. It is desirable to limit coffee, tea, sugary drinks, especially for sugary carbonated drinks.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet not only salty, but also smoked, fried foods, as well as fast food and other industrial food, as they contain a large amount of hidden salt. It is necessary to unload the legs - often give them rest, avoiding overwork. It is unacceptable to wear tight clothes and shoes, as they can also contribute to the appearance of edema during pregnancy.

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