How To Preserve Vision In Children

How To Preserve Vision In Children
How To Preserve Vision In Children

How to preserve vision in children

How to preserve vision in children
How to preserve vision in children

The state of vision in children is influenced by both the state of health in general and the load that the eyes are exposed to. Therefore, to preserve the vision in children, parents need to take into account both of these factors. Of course, there is a genetic predisposition to eye diseases such as myopia. However, genetic eye diseases are extremely rare, more often it is a question of predisposition. Letting or not letting her develop is quite within the power of parents. Also, do not overestimate hereditary myopia - even a child who is not at all predisposed to it is likely to acquire vision problems if an unfavorable regime for his eyes is created.

It's no secret that children's vision has deteriorated significantly over the past few decades. Due to age-related characteristics, the muscles that control eye movement are weaker in a child than in an adult. Under normal conditions, the oculomotor muscles are constantly active, as their contraction and relaxation occur when the focus is shifted from one object to another. The load is evenly distributed and the muscles develop normally. When the focus does not change for a long time, the muscles become tired and overstrained, especially when the object on which the vision is focused is close.

Now let's remember how long our children sit staring at the TV or monitor screen. Isn't it that much more than 15 minutes allowed for this kind of eye activity. An additional factor of damage is the backlighting of any screen, because the light directed directly into the eyes fatigues much faster.

Therefore, in the complex of preventive measures for preserving vision in children, the first place should be the limitation of the time spent by the child at the computer or TV.

Children’s eyesight will be safer if the child spends more time walking, since open spaces provide much more opportunity for a constant change of focus.

Children's vision has deteriorated significantly over the past few decades
Children's vision has deteriorated significantly over the past few decades

When choosing books for children to read, give preference to those in which the letter size is at least 3.5-4mm. Letters should be easy to read, not too bright and colorful, not blend in with the background or with pictures.

As for the general state of health, then, of course, you need to start with nutrition. For the preservation of vision in children, it is important that the diet is complete and varied, includes the necessary vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A is of particular importance for the normal functioning of the eyes, so you need to make sure that the child consumes foods that contribute to its production: carrots, apricots, blueberries, sea buckthorn.

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