The Phenomenon Of Caucasian Longevity

The Phenomenon Of Caucasian Longevity
The Phenomenon Of Caucasian Longevity

The phenomenon of Caucasian longevity

Caucasian longevity
Caucasian longevity

There are many legends about the glorious inhabitants of the Caucasus - and one of them is their impressive longevity. Each mountaineer has his own secret of long years and good health - for some it is the use of good wine, for others - ecologically clean and natural products. Every second Caucasian believes that the reason for its longevity lies in the stunning mountain air. However, all the inhabitants of the Caucasus agree that the true secret of longevity is wisdom, optimism and the ability to enjoy life.

Caucasian centenarians, first of all, are very calm people. They do not like to travel and often live their entire lives in one place. The absence of stress, worries, a measured rhythm of life, proper nutrition and, which is important, friendly and kindred support in the aggregate determine the conditions in which the peoples of the Caucasus live.

So, Caucasian longevity: let's highlight several factors that affect the number of years of a person's life:

1. Proper nutrition. In the diet of mountain dwellers, a large amount of plant foods rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants. Hot spices help to lower blood pressure, normalize blood clotting. Caucasian food is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and practically does not contain cholesterol.

2. Clean air. If we draw a parallel, then the air taken from the mountains of Abkhazia contains about 20 thousand per 1 cubic meter. centimeter of negative ions. And the air in a production room or office is 10-20 per cubic meter. centimeter. That is, practically zero.

The secret to longevity
The secret to longevity

3. Culture and philosophy of life. Elderly and young people from the Caucasus are emotionally calm, preferring the peaceful and judicious resolution of conflicts. Elderly people living in the mountains are highly respected in their circle. It is they who are given pride of place at family feasts, it is their advice that is asked in difficult life situations. Caucasians live in a measured way - and their life passes just as pleasantly and slowly.

Human longevity consists of many reasons. And almost every one is sacredly honored and observed by the inhabitants of the Caucasus. Take note of at least one of them - after all, the duration of a person's life depends not so much on genes, but on how correctly he conducts it.

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