The healing properties of radish

A pink root vegetable with a white tail is one of the first vegetables to delight us in spring. Radish is the younger brother of the radish, more delicate in taste and less coarse in structure. The properties of a radish are in many ways similar to those of a radish. In addition to a pleasant refreshing taste, this root vegetable is good because it contains vitamins and minerals. In particular, it is rich in nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2) and vitamin C, and from trace elements it is possible to find potassium and calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus. Radish contains mustard oil, which makes it slightly hot.
This composition provides the medicinal properties of radish. Radish helps to improve digestion, as it increases the secretion of gastric juice, the fiber contained in large amounts, improves intestinal motility, thereby preventing constipation. The beneficial properties of this root vegetable make it indispensable for dietary nutrition in diabetes, as it helps to normalize blood sugar levels. And for other metabolic disorders (obesity, gout, etc.), radish is also beneficial.
The choleretic properties of radish are known, thanks to which it is an excellent means of preventing bile stagnation and the formation of stones in the bile ducts. Also, radish has a decongestant effect, so it is advisable to include it in the diet for people suffering from diseases associated with fluid retention in the body - hypertension, kidney disease, heart disease.
With such a rich and balanced composition, radish contains a minimum number of calories - only 14 kcal per 100 g of product, which makes it the leader in the diet for weight loss. However, it is not recommended to use pure radish for weight loss, as it increases appetite by stimulating gastric secretion. The best solution would be to include it in salads, such as radish and cucumber salad, seasoned with lemon juice and a little good vegetable oil.
Because of the burning properties of radish, it should be used with great care by people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as acute gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Precaution is necessary, since radish juice, which is completely safe for a healthy person, can cause additional irritation of the damaged mucous membrane.
The properties of radish make it valuable for external use as well. So, a few drops of radish juice rubbed into whiskey can relieve a headache. Grated radish face mask will tone the skin, improving blood circulation in it.
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