Fastest diet

Situations often arise when it is necessary to get rid of extra pounds in a short time - in one or two days. To achieve this goal, the fastest diet is usually followed, or the so-called "express diet".
The fastest weight loss diet
Among very fast diets, several are usually distinguished as the most effective ones, when a sharp weight loss can be achieved in a short time. And although most nutritionists advise to lose weight gradually, "express diets" still remain in demand enough to quickly bring the weight back to normal.
One of the fastest diets, according to reviews, is the weekend diet. Usually, such fasting days are advised to be spent on the weekend so that you can spend a lot of time in the fresh air and not experience stress at work due to possible weakness and irritability.
During this diet, you should not snack between meals and drink any beverages other than pure, still water. To reduce hunger, drink a glass of warm water an hour before breakfast. The breakfast of the fastest diet includes several slices of black bread. If desired, they can be spread with non-fat oil. In addition, breakfast includes a glass of sugar-free tea (with honey) and one large grapefruit.
Do not drink any drinks during lunch. The menu includes boiled chicken (no more than 100 g) without spices, a salad of boiled vegetables (no more than 200 g) and an orange.
For an afternoon snack of the fastest diet, you can drink a glass of herbal tea. Dinner consists of a fruit salad with lemon juice (up to 200 g), steamed fish (up to 100 g) and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
The other fastest weight loss diet is a multi-day diet that can reduce weight by two to five kilograms. To achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to first drink any laxative at night to cleanse the intestines of toxins.
On the first day of the diet, you can drink a liter of low-fat kefir and drink in unlimited quantities pure or non-carbonated mineral water. During the second day of this super fast diet, you can eat a glass of boiled rice without oil, spices and salt. Rice can be divided into several steps. It should also be remembered that the morning of the third day should not start with sweets and fatty foods, and to consolidate the result obtained in the following days, it is best to follow a low-calorie diet, if possible.
Principles for a Customized Super Fast Diet
Nutritionists note that the effect of very fast diets is individual, and it is quite difficult to predict how many kilograms you can lose by observing them.
According to reviews, the fastest diets are most often individual diets based on several principles of effective weight loss. Before you tackle your figure, you need to consider that an effective diet must meet several requirements. Diet:
- Should be enjoyable, so as not to cause the desire to return to the old way of life, which led to excess weight;
- Should be balanced and include all the necessary nutrients, since a deficiency of essential macro- or micronutrients and essential amino acids can slow down the process of weight loss;
- Should not cause hunger and health problems;
- Should not contain unloved products;
- Should be combined with various methods of accelerating metabolism (physical exercise, walking in the fresh air, sauna or steam bath), which will help burn fat more efficiently.
Any personalized fastest diet should not include high-calorie foods and drinks, namely:
- Flour products and sweets;
- Alcohol;
- Dessert;
- Juices;
- Fats and oils.

Also, in order for the diet to lead not only to weight loss, but also not to harm health, you should replace:
- Fried foods, steamed or baked;
- Skimmed milk products;
- Flour desserts with fruits;
- High-calorie drinks with mineral water or tea (green, herbal) without sugar;
- Meat dishes with fish, seafood, mushrooms or beans.
The fastest diet should definitely include 2-3 liters of water per day. At the same time, if you drink a glass of water before meals (15-20 minutes), it will help reduce hunger. Also, the effect of the diet will be much better if the food is chewed slowly and thoroughly.
In addition to a properly selected diet, you should use any methods to accelerate metabolism, including walking in the fresh air and active physical exercise.
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