Tibetan Weight Loss - Basic Principles, Features Of The Method

Tibetan Weight Loss - Basic Principles, Features Of The Method
Tibetan Weight Loss - Basic Principles, Features Of The Method

Tibetan weight loss

The principles of Tibetan body cleansing
The principles of Tibetan body cleansing

Tibetan weight loss is aimed at cleansing the body, removing harmful substances and eliminating excess lipid deposits.

Features of Tibetan body cleansing and weight loss

Adhering to the Tibetan weight loss system is necessary after consulting with your doctor and nutritionist. This technique is contraindicated in people with serious illnesses and has a number of limitations.

Tibetan cleansing of the body consists in therapeutic fasting and removal of harmful substances from the digestive tract. At the first stage, the intestines are cleansed with magnesia diluted with water. Drink 3 glasses of this laxative and repeat the procedure for 3 days. The laxative will reduce appetite and tune the body for a deep cleansing process.

During Tibetan weight loss, a special water balance must be observed, drinking at least 2.5 liters of water daily. The liquid allows you to eliminate the feeling of hunger, improve skin condition, and also prevent dry mouth and discomfort. Gradually it is necessary to give up food, eating only fruits / vegetables and drinking water.

After a few days of Tibetan weight loss, metabolism normalizes and the stage of gradual weight loss begins.

The Tibetan body cleansing method includes the following mandatory components:

  • daily walks and physical activity in the fresh air (at least 2-3 km per day);
  • cleansing enemas, 1 liter of boiled water at a temperature of 35-36 degrees;
  • warm shower 2 times a day;
  • rinsing the mouth and throat with a soda solution and decoctions of medicinal herbs (mint, sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, etc.) to improve the lymphatic barrier;
  • daily self-massage of the chest, abdomen, face, neck and crown.

Effective Tibetan weight loss involves avoiding the use of cosmetics, alcohol and smoking, contact with synthetic materials.

At the first stage of Tibetan weight loss, the elimination of toxins from the body and the transition to internal nutrition begins. The duration of the first stage is 20 days, the second stage - 25 days and the third stage - 10-15 days.

Tibetan body cleansing should not be carried out for people with severe diseases of the digestive system, cancer, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, mental disorders, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The use of Tibetan tea for weight loss

Tibetan slimming tea has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects. Tea activates peristalsis, cleanses the body, promotes weight loss by normalizing metabolism.

With the regular use of Tibetan tea, edema is eliminated, the circulatory system is cleansed, and the protective functions of the body increase.

There are several types of tea, consisting of Tibetan tea for cleansing the body. These include:

  • echinacea and rosehip tea;
  • tea consisting of birch buds, chamomile, strawberries, St. John's wort (brew 3 tablespoons of medicinal herbs in a standard teapot);
  • tea, which includes immortelle, chamomile, bay leaf, mint, nettle, rose hips and lemongrass (brewed in a glass jar).
How Tibetan Slimming Tea Works
How Tibetan Slimming Tea Works

Tibetan slimming tea should be drunk on an empty stomach, starting with 200 ml and gradually increasing the volume. Tea will help eliminate flatulence, colitis, constipation and intestinal cramps. The drink can be used together with prunes and dried apricots.

Tibetan mantra for weight loss

The Tibetan mantra for weight loss is a small text prayer or graphic image aimed at focusing, pacifying and improving all body systems.

Tibetan monks claim that the mantra contains a sacred code that allows a person to go to a high level of consciousness, control himself and make spiritual growth. During Tibetan weight loss, the mantra is an additional means to achieve the goal.

During the period of Tibetan weight loss, the mantra can be recited over the water several times a day, as well as mentally immersed in it every day (morning and evening).

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