Diet For Nursing Mothers For Weight Loss - Features

Diet For Nursing Mothers For Weight Loss - Features
Diet For Nursing Mothers For Weight Loss - Features

Diet for nursing

Features of the diet for nursing mothers
Features of the diet for nursing mothers

Choosing a diet for a nursing mother should be approached with special care. At many points, the diet for nursing mothers is the key to full breastfeeding of the baby, as well as the woman's health during this period.

Immediately after childbirth, for the first few days, nutritionists generally recommend not eating too much food to give the body a rest.

In the first week and a half after delivery, the diet for nursing mothers should consist of the following dishes:

  • low-fat chicken broth;
  • various vegetable soups;
  • baked apples and vegetables;
  • oatmeal.

It is also advisable to drink many different herbal preparations, fruit drinks and fruit drinks. After the woman has finally established breastfeeding, it is necessary to drink a glass of water or warm tea before each feeding.

From the second week, boiled beef, white fish and nuts can be included in the diet for a nursing mother. But from the third week, you can add chicken, kefir and eggs to the diet.

Do not be upset that the number of meals is limited, because such a strict diet for nursing mothers lasts only the first two months after childbirth, and after their expiration, women can gradually add new foods to the diet. At the same time, it is recommended to keep a food diary and carefully monitor the baby's reaction to each new product.

Slimming diet for nursing mothers

Most women gain excess weight during pregnancy, and this is quite natural. Therefore, many women are interested in effective diets for nursing for weight loss. Especially you will not walk around, because in order for the milk to be in the required amount and nutritious for the baby, a complete diet is needed. But if you carefully approach the choice of diet, then positive results can be achieved rather quickly without harm to your health and the health of the child.

A weight loss diet for nursing mothers should begin no earlier than three months after childbirth, since the body should fully recover, and lactation should improve. After this period, food should be divided into 6-7 meals.

The first rule of the diet for nursing mothers should be a complete rejection of flour products and too fatty foods. Believe me, this will not affect the quantity and quality of milk, but your body will thank you.

What foods should be included in a nursing diet for weight loss?

  • various dairy products and fiber must be present;
  • grated carrots perfectly cleanses the intestines and removes toxins;
  • mayonnaise cannot be used, and salads can be seasoned with olive oil;
  • It is best to drink still mineral water, fruit juices and green tea;
  • eat more vegetables in any form - stewed, boiled, fried and fresh;
  • but it is better to refuse seeds and nuts: just one handful of nuts contains almost the daily rate of fat;
  • and, of course, all alcoholic beverages are taboo.

Tips for breastfeeding mothers to help them lose weight

Weight loss diet food list for nursing mothers
Weight loss diet food list for nursing mothers

Since the diet for lactating involves a ban on sweets and chocolate, it is sometimes very difficult for women to resist the temptation. However, there is a way out. You can replace chocolate with jam, dried fruit and honey.

Foods that can cause an allergic reaction in a child should be avoided. These include: chocolate, canned food, sausage, eggs, strawberries, citrus fruits. This is not the entire list, since each organism is individual, and a woman needs to monitor the baby's reaction.

Women should remember that the body needs calcium during lactation. You can get it by eating broccoli and white cabbage, as well as sardines, almonds and oranges. Supplements containing vitamin D and calcium may also be helpful.

For a good metabolism, the body needs vitamins. They improve the functioning of the digestive system, and also contribute to the development of the child. Therefore, during breastfeeding, you should not neglect foods containing vitamins.

It is necessary to give up all kinds of fast foods, smoked meats, pickled and canned foods, lard, strong coffee, soda, chips.

During the nursing diet, do not neglect light snacks between meals. A glass of kefir, a slice of homemade cheese, one hard-boiled egg will relieve you of hunger and contribute to the fact that you eat a smaller portion at lunch or dinner.

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