Express diet

Despite the fact that reviews on express diets from nutritionists are mostly negative, sometimes such methods are still necessary. Usually, when you need to quickly put yourself in order for an event, look spectacular by the required date. An express diet for weight loss is not suitable, it is only a way to temporarily correct your appearance. Its action is always reversible, since there is not so much a loss of body fat as the loss of excess fluid. As soon as the express diet ends, the body seeks to immediately make up for the loss, which in practice looks like bouts of increased, "brutal" appetite. Therefore, when deciding to resort to the express diet, you need to be aware of what exactly you expect from it in order to avoid disappointments and future health problems.
Pros and cons of the express diet
The advantages of the express diet include the following points:
- The ability to quickly get rid of 3-7 kilograms of excess weight (depending on the type of diet and individual characteristics of the body);
- If the express diet is made up of vegetable products with minimal heat treatment and fermented milk products, then this is an opportunity to cleanse the body of toxins, which always has a positive effect on health;
- The ability to revise your diet. Often, reviews of express diets indicate that they are an impetus to understand how wrong the daily diet was composed, how much it contained unnecessary foods, such as sweets, and unnecessary meals, such as numerous inconspicuous snacks.
Of the minuses of the express diet, the following are most often called:
- Imbalance. All express diets refer to severe extreme diets, with great restrictions, and the intake of many substances necessary for normal life is insufficient. Therefore, the maximum period during which it is recommended to practice this method of nutrition is three days. An express diet in three days is not capable of causing any serious damage to health, but it copes with its function quite successfully;
- Weight loss comes from the loss of water, not fat. This is another big drawback of express diets. At the same time, you need to understand that, unlike fat, the body needs water, and not sometime later, but now. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that you monitor your drinking regime during the express diet, be sure to consume at least one and a half liters of clean water in order to reduce dehydration;
- Express diets are poorly tolerated psycho-emotionally. They are stressful for the body, and the body persistently makes it clear to a depressed state of mind, sleep disturbances, increased fatigue and nervousness. Performance decreases, memory and concentration deteriorate. It is highly undesirable to combine express diets with increased physical or mental stress;
- Quick return of lost pounds. Perhaps this is the main disadvantage of the express diet for weight loss. For thousands of years, the human body has been accustomed to stockpiling in case of force majeure, which is almost always accompanied by hunger. He also perceives the express diet as a catastrophic lack of nutrition, and at the first opportunity presented himself begins to store energy with a vengeance for the future. This means that even if during the express diet itself you were able to tame your appetite, upon its completion you will be literally attacked by bouts of severe hunger, which is also called zhor. This process is due to the subconscious mechanisms of bio-survival, and therefore it is extremely difficult to consciously control. That is why express diets for weight loss are not recommended - the effect of them is often not just small,but the direct opposite of what was expected, and the lost kilograms are returned with interest;
- Possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Express diets are not recommended for people suffering from chronic pathology, especially endocrine and gastrointestinal diseases. They cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation; they are also categorically contraindicated for people with any oncological pathology.
Three-day express diet options
We bring to your attention several options for an express diet for three days, reviews of which say that they are very effective and quite safe.
- Fruit and vegetable raw food. For three days, you need to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to practice such an express diet in late summer or early autumn, during a period of abundance of vegetables and fruits. There are several options for a raw food diet for three days. One of them is the mono diet. Each day is dedicated to one fruit or vegetable, any and in any quantity. For example, the first day is a watermelon, the second day is cucumbers or tomatoes, the third is pears or peaches. A raw food express diet in three days allows you to get rid of 5-7 kg of weight, cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and eliminate congestion in the intestines. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin - the skin is cleansed, smoothed, and firmer. You can practice such a diet quite often, but not more than once every two weeks.
- Excellent reviews of the express diet based on the use of fermented milk products. Sample menu: the first day only kefir, not necessarily low-percent, in the amount of three liters, distributed throughout the day in equal portions. The second day - for breakfast a glass of kefir, for lunch half a pack of cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% and green tea, for dinner to choose from: either the remaining half a pack of cottage cheese, or two glasses of kefir. The third day - 300 g of drinking yogurt for breakfast, half a pack of cottage cheese for lunch, a glass of kefir for dinner. This express diet allows you to lose about 4-5 kg of weight, but not for everyone. So, for people with high acidity of the stomach, it is contraindicated.
- An effective express diet based on low-calorie foods and salt restriction. Sample menu: for breakfast one egg and two tablespoons of oatmeal; for lunch - a salad of fresh seasonal vegetables (in summer cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, in winter - cabbage, carrots, radishes), seasoned with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and juice of a quarter of a lemon, for dinner - a glass of kefir. Sugar-free green tea is allowed throughout the day, any seasonings, including salt, are excluded.
Regardless of which version of the express diet was chosen, you need to get out of it gradually. The rule is: exiting the diet should last as long as the diet itself. This is especially true when, despite the caveats, an express weight loss diet was used. Expand the diet gradually, adding no more than one product with each meal, and in a small amount. Remember that you will have an increased appetite, and stock up on this case with carrots, an apple, diet bread, two tablespoons of muesli - so that the stealing food does not catch you by surprise and unnoticeably force you to eat a piece or two of cake or heels of chocolates.
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