Diet for summer

In order to get rid of excess fat, there is no better time than summer. A huge amount of vegetables and fruits rich in coarse vegetable fiber in the diet is the best way to help reduce body weight. In addition, herbal products are rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes the process of losing weight as beneficial to health.
Summer Diet Mechanics
The process of losing weight while following the summer diet is due to the high content of indigestible plant fibers. The body has to expend a considerable amount of energy to process them. In addition, dietary fiber is able to swell and occupy a significant place in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby sending a signal to the brain that it is full. Thus, when following a diet for the summer, the feeling of hunger practically does not arise.
When it enters the intestines, the swollen plant fiber acts like a panicle, stimulating peristalsis and cleansing. Moreover, it has the ability to remove excess cholesterol and other harmful substances (in particular carcinogens).
The high content of various nutrients in vegetables and fruits, which are used in summer food, helps the body compensate for the stress mechanisms that accompany any diet. The diet for the summer is quite simple and consists of your favorite fruits and vegetables. They are encouraged to be consumed in significant quantities at every meal.
Despite the apparent harmlessness, before embarking on a summer diet for weight loss, you should consult your doctor. Contraindications for it can be diseases of the digestive system or other pathological processes.
The process of getting out of the diet for the summer should be as delicate as starting. You should not immediately load the body with heavy food and fast carbohydrates, otherwise a new round of weight gain cannot be avoided. According to reviews on the summer diet, it is quite possible to lose about 4 kg of weight in a month.
Summer food products
In addition to seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits in various combinations and in the form of salads with dressings from vegetable oils, it is advisable to include freshly squeezed juices in the summer menu, but it is necessary to control their quantity and not abuse them. Such juices can be diluted with mineral water or consumed in the form of a smoothie, that is, together with fiber.
Keeping a diet for summer, you cannot do without cottage cheese and other dairy products. You should also take into account the considerable calorie content of potatoes and try to exclude this product from summer food.
Summer diet - 7 days for beauty and health
An approximate 7-day summer diet menu may look like this:
- for the first day, one favorite vegetable is selected, which is consumed at every meal;
- on the second day, they choose two types of fruits and eat them all day;
- on the third day of the summer diet, they eat exclusively berries;
- the menu of the fourth day is fermented milk: all day they eat kefir and low-fat yogurt;
- on the fifth day, they eat boiled or baked vegetables, as well as steamed;
- the sixth day, as well as the third - berry;
- and during the seventh day of the summer diet, only fresh juices and mineral water are allowed.

The obvious advantage of the summer diet for weight loss is that the degree of its rigidity can be adjusted individually for yourself. Before going to bed on any of the days, it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir. It is also important not to forget about observing the drinking regime - in summer, the amount of liquid consumed should not be less than 2 liters of pure non-carbonated - mineral - water per day.
Peeled and cut fruits are not recommended to be stored - they should be eaten immediately, and it is advisable to boil vegetables in a peel.
Judging by the number of positive reviews about the summer diet, in most cases it turns out to be effective. Observing in the future the rules of a healthy diet, there is every chance to permanently consolidate its results in the form of normalization of body weight.
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