Fasting results

For thousands of years, fasting has helped cleanse the body, lose weight and is part of religious ceremonies. Nowadays, it is often used only for the purpose of losing weight, because the positive results of fasting are observed quite quickly.
There is nothing wrong with eating tasty and not entirely healthy food, if you do not go beyond what is permitted. The process of digesting food can be compared to going to work - if you work out a typical 8-hour work day five times a week, there will be no difficulties. If under duress you also have to work on Saturdays, it will be a little difficult, but in the end, such a work schedule can be maintained. However, if you have to work completely seven days a week, sooner or later no one will stand such a load. The intestines work in the same way: if you overload it all the time, not allowing you to rest normally, a number of diseases will arise that will not be so easy to cope with.
Fasting results in resting the digestive system from the constant rush of food. Digestion, assimilation and metabolism - these activities require a lot of energy. It is estimated that 65% of the body's energy should be directed to the digestive system after eating a heavy meal.
Fasting results in the release of this energy and directing it to heal and improve the body, to detoxify and cleanse cells, tissues and organs, and eliminate toxins and natural metabolic waste.
Fasting itself is not a panacea for all diseases, but it can help prepare the body for greater and better response to treatment. The consequence of fasting is the restoration of balance on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. However, there are also negative aspects of hunger, because not everyone can withstand the caused dizziness, muscle and headaches during fasting.
The benefits and harms of fasting
Like any other process, there are pros and cons of fasting. The benefits and harms of fasting depend on how correctly fasting begins and ends.
The positive effects of fasting include:
- Disease resistance;
- No trouble sleeping;
- Changing habits;
- Detoxification of the body;
- Improvement of vision, hearing and taste;
- Mental and emotional clarity;
- Relaxation;
- Cleaning;
- Rejuvenation;
- Rest of the digestive organs;
- Increased activity;
- Weight loss.

Fasting is harmful when it is not observed correctly. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, anxiety, and headaches and muscle aches when fasting, but there are more serious harm from fasting.
If you stick to hunger for too long, your body can go into fasting mode, which can lead to anemia, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), electrolyte imbalances that can lead to cardiac arrest and coma. Also, the harm of fasting can manifest itself in the form of renal and hepatic failure.
Effects of starvation
The positive effects of fasting, when properly observed, are:
- Cleansing and detoxifying the body;
- Clarity of mind;
- Clearing and healing the mind from "stuck" emotional models;
- Feeling physically light, increased energy levels;
- Raising the spiritual level.
The same positive results of fasting can be achieved not only by observing dry hunger (without food and water), but also by consuming diluted freshly squeezed juices or herbal teas throughout the day.
Fasting is considered a miracle cure also because there is a large list of diseases treated in this way and the weakening of their symptoms. Often, the healing effects of fasting are the treatment of allergies, arthritis, digestive disorders of all kinds, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and asthma. Fasting brings such results because it includes the body's own self-healing mechanisms.
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