Apricot diet
Apricots are rich in pectin, starch, fiber, dextrin, inulin. They contain ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2, carotene, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine, sulfur, silicon, iron, amino acids and organic acids (citric, tartaric, malic). Many beneficial elements are combined with low calorie content and a sweet, pleasant taste.
The apricot diet consists of only apricots, fresh or dried. The diet is designed for three days, if it is well tolerated, it can be extended for another two days.
At the end of the diet, you should return to the usual menu gradually, introduce foods into the diet in small portions, avoiding high-calorie foods.

Benefits of the apricot diet
An apricot diet in three to five days allows you to get rid of 2-4 kg.
Thanks to the beneficial substances contained in apricots, such a diet provides replenishment of vitamins and minerals in the body. Pectins have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, in particular, they allow to normalize intestinal functions - therefore, the apricot diet is recommended for those who suffer from constipation.
It is important that the apricot diet is very simple, and during the ripening period of apricots it is also very economical.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the apricot diet
The apricot diet can only pose a health hazard if it is adhered to for longer than a specified period.
Due to the sharp restriction of the diet, there is a high risk of returning the lost kilograms after the end of the diet, the correct exit from it is important.
The apricot diet is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel and stomach diseases.
What foods are allowed?
- Apricots.
- Dried apricots, apricots.
- Freshly squeezed apricot juice.
- Dried apricot compote (apricot).
Compote is prepared as follows: pour a glass of washed dried apricots (apricots) with 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, turn off and let it brew, do not add sugar.
What foods are prohibited?
All products not included in the permitted list, including sugar, are prohibited.
Apricot diet menu
The menu of the apricot diet for all days is the same: 1 kg of fresh apricots (or 500 g of fresh apricots + 300 g of dried apricots) divided into five to six meals and eat during the day. You need to drink 2 liters of compote or apricot juice diluted with water 1: 1 per day.
Useful Tips
Advice 1. The brighter the color of the fruit, the more nutrients they contain, so for the diet you should choose bright orange apricots, which are always ripe.
Advice 2. If there is a feeling of hunger, you can increase the daily amount of apricots, but not more than up to 2 kg, otherwise the effectiveness of the diet will decrease.
Tip 3: The apricot mono diet is great for fasting days.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 3-5 days |
2.5 out of 5 The apricot mono-diet is optimal for the summer time - because of the heat, the appetite decreases and aromatic sweet fruits are quite capable of satisfying it, so the agonizing feeling of hunger is not typical of this diet, despite the strictly limited diet. |
Recommended frequency: once a year | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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