Menstruation with ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which implantation and development of the ovum occurs outside the uterine cavity. By the nature of the localization of the ovum, tubal, ovarian, abdominal, cervical pregnancy is distinguished. It is extremely difficult to recognize this condition in the early stages, since the special symptoms that reliably characterize the onset of pregnancy outside the uterus may be completely absent or be typical for a pregnancy of normal development. What are the prognosis for the development of pregnancy if menstruation does not go with an ectopic?
Ectopic pregnancy: symptoms of the condition, menstruation with an ectopic pregnancy, the consequences of the condition
Ectopic pregnancy is an extremely dangerous condition for a woman's health and life. The only organ in which normal, full-fledged gestation and fetal development are possible is the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy cannot end with the birth of a child. The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy can be unpredictable:
- Rupture of organ tissue;
- Internal bleeding;
- Peritonitis;
- Inflammatory, adhesions of the pelvic organs;
- Infertility;
- Repeated ectopic pregnancy;
- Fatal outcome.
In order to avoid the onset of serious consequences, it is necessary to carefully study all the signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Many women planning a pregnancy are wondering if their periods go on with an ectopic?
Menstruation with an ectopic, as with normal pregnancy, does not go, since during conception and implantation of the ovum in a woman's body, the hormonal background changes, an active production of progesterone, a hormone necessary to maintain pregnancy, occurs, and periodic menstrual bleeding stops. However, bloody discharge, reminiscent of menstruation, with an ectopic pregnancy, is observed in some patients. It is extremely difficult to call these discharge menstruation, since spotting from the genital tract appears due to rupture of the tissues of the organ in which the ovum develops. The most common localization of an ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tubes. Bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, with ectopic development of the ovum appears in 60% of cases,being the first sign of a pathological disorder and the reason for women to see a doctor.
Other signs of ectopic pregnancy are pains with characteristic localization (at the site of attachment of the ovum), which often occur when the body position changes, physical exertion.
It is extremely difficult to recognize an ectopic pregnancy on your own. Many women regard menstruation with an ectopic period as the onset of a new cycle. Unfortunately, the signs of pregnancy developing in the uterine cavity can be the same as those of an ectopic pregnancy.
Spotting in early pregnancy may not indicate a pathology. Scanty discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy may mean implantation of the ovum. It should be noted that implantation secretions may be completely absent. Implantation bleeding also does not indicate the fixation of the ovum in the uterine cavity.
Therefore, at the first signs of pregnancy, a positive or weakly positive pregnancy test, and any discharge from the genital tract, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
Do menstruation go with an ectopic pregnancy: the nature of the bleeding
Many patients ask the question, do menstruation go with an ectopic pregnancy? It is impossible to talk about bloody discharge as a full-fledged menstruation with an ectopic pregnancy. Any discharge with blood impurities in any pregnancy is a deviation from the norm (excluding implantation bleeding).
What is the nature of menstruation with an ectopic? It should be understood that the ovum, having become entrenched in an organ that is functionally and morphologically (in its structure) not intended for carrying pregnancy, stretches its tissues, violating their integrity. Blood appears as a result of rupture of blood vessels and organ tissues. Bloody discharge associated with menstruation, with ectopic fetal development, is atypical for a woman. So, the amount of secretions, their color, consistency change. Menstruation with an ectopic can be more scarce or plentiful, the discharge becomes dark in color, and resembles coffee grounds in consistency.
Bleeding, which can be regarded as monthly, with ectopic pregnancy and cervical location of the ovum, will be more abundant and prolonged, since there are a large number of vessels in this zone.
The most favorable outcome for an ectopic pregnancy, whether menstruation or not, is spontaneous rejection of the ovum. This condition is characterized by profuse bleeding, accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be given to the rectum.
What are the forecasts if menstruation does not go with an ectopic pregnancy?
The misconception that menstruation goes on with an ectopic causes many women to misinterpret their condition, postponing a visit to the doctor. Bloody discharge is not an indicator of an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy (whether your period is ongoing or not) will not end with the birth of a baby.
Based on the statement that ectopic pregnancies are menstruating, many women believe that pregnancy develops normally in the absence of any discharge. An ectopic pregnancy can develop up to 12 weeks, after which organ tissue rupture will certainly occur.

Such development of the ovum can lead to the most unfavorable consequences, which requires the earliest possible diagnosis of the condition.
What symptoms do you need to see a doctor urgently?
- Uncharacteristic spotting;
- Weakly positive pregnancy test;
- Subjective signs of pregnancy (changes in the psycho-emotional background, swelling of the mammary glands, delayed menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen);
- Painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
Relying on the fact that menstruation goes on with an ectopic, many women postpone a visit to the doctor, thereby aggravating the situation. The earlier an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed (whether it is menstruation or not), the easier the consequences for a woman's health.
Situations when menstruation occurs during an ectopic pregnancy (bloody discharge, resembling menstrual in nature), are quite common. Bloody discharge is the first symptom that tissue rupture occurs, which can lead to the release of the ovum, mucus and blood into the abdominal cavity, resulting in infection and peritonitis. Regardless of whether the ectopic bleeding is accompanied or not, the birth of a child with such a pregnancy is impossible.
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