Pregnancy After An Ectopic Pregnancy

Pregnancy After An Ectopic Pregnancy
Pregnancy After An Ectopic Pregnancy

Pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy

Can pregnancy come and end safely after an ectopic pregnancy? This question worries many women who have survived a serious operation, the loss of their unborn, but already so beloved baby. Unfortunately, in women who have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs and are deprived of one fallopian tube, pregnancy very often does not occur on the first and sometimes not even on the second attempt. However, many still have a chance to become a mother. Depending on the patency of the remaining tube, general health, preparation for the subsequent pregnancy, a successful pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy can take place.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy - timing, methods and their effectiveness
How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy - timing, methods and their effectiveness

How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

For about six months, women who have undergone surgery need to protect themselves from pregnancy in order to enable the body to fully restore its functions. To do this, doctors recommend the use of oral contraceptives, that is, hormonal birth control pills. This method of contraception is very reliable and guarantees almost one hundred percent protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, a six-month rest will give the ovaries the opportunity to work more intensively in the future. Thanks to this, after their abolition, you can quickly become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy.

How to prepare for pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy

First of all, spouses need to understand that this is a very serious and responsible step - pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy. Both must undergo a complete medical examination. The woman in this case has only one fallopian tube, it must be preserved and everything possible should be done not to repeat the difficult experience.

At the stage of pregnancy planning after an ectopic pregnancy, doctors advise to pass all tests to exclude possible unwanted infections that are sexually transmitted. Sometimes there are latent infections that proceed completely unnoticed by a person. But at this time, when you consider yourself absolutely healthy, bacteria parasitize in the internal genital organs, including the fallopian tubes, causing inflammation in them and leading to the formation of adhesions. The adhesion process prevents the fertilized egg from moving to the uterus, and it is implanted in the tube, abdominal cavity or on the ovary, which entails the development of ectopic pregnancy again and surgery with the possible removal of the second tube.

In order to determine whether it is possible to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out another, very important examination, which makes it possible to find out the patency of the remaining tube. To do this, they perform a not very pleasant, familiar procedure for many women, which is called hysterosalpingography or the HSG. The results obtained during its implementation will clearly indicate whether the tube is passable and whether it is possible to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy. If not, your doctor may recommend adhesion dissection surgery. This operation is currently performed using the laparoscopic method and is easily tolerated by women.

How to track ovulation?

Can you get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy? Doctors say yes. It is believed that ovulation occurs in completely healthy women in one or the other ovary alternately. But, in fact, one of the ovaries always leads. It is fortunate if such a leader is the ovary on the same side where the fallopian tube remained. Then pregnancy will come faster and without any problems, especially if the woman is at a young age. If not, then you need to learn how to track ovulation (the moment the egg leaves the ovary), which significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy.

You can track ovulation using the following methods:

  • Use special test systems for ovulation. This method is suitable only for those women who have sufficient financial resources, because during one cycle you have to use at least 5 - 6 tests, and they are not cheap.
  • Measuring basal temperature is the most budgetary option that does not require any financial costs at all. This method carries little information, but has been tested over years of research.
  • Folliculometry - determination of ovulation according to the results of ultrasound. The most accurate and reliable method available today.
  • Observing your feelings. During ovulation, aching pains appear in the side of the ovary where the egg has matured or in the lower abdomen. A day before the release of the egg, discharge often appears, stretching, odorless, resembling in its structure the protein of a chicken egg.

By tracking ovulation, you can easily get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy.

The consequences of stress or how to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

Unsuccessful pregnancy, surgery - all this is the strongest stress for the woman's body. And it is not surprising that after all that she has endured, fear, anxiety, settles in her soul that she will never be able to experience the happiness of motherhood. She constantly thinks about how to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy. And as a result of this, the development of a condition called psychological infertility is possible.

Proper planning of a new pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy
Proper planning of a new pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy

It is very difficult to overcome this psychological barrier on your own, and sometimes it is simply not possible. Therefore, a woman experiencing such fears should definitely seek help from a professional psychologist. Believe that even with one fallopian tube you have every chance of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Even in cases where pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy still does not occur, a woman still has a chance to become a happy mother. This can be helped by an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.

In case of unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant, it is necessary to examine the spouse. It is possible that he has a small number of live spermatozoa or their mobility is impaired. In this situation, doctors recommend the ICSI procedure. It is similar to IVF, but in this case, only one healthy sperm is required to fertilize an egg, which is injected directly into it.

If IVF does not lead to pregnancy, then surrogacy can also be used.

So is it possible to get pregnant after having an ectopic? Yes, it is possible. Believe that everything will work out, carefully monitor your health, follow the doctor's prescription and everything will be fine.

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