How to identify an ectopic pregnancy

If you feel all the signs of pregnancy, but the ultrasound does not show the embryo, this does not mean that you are not pregnant. Such symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.
In a normal pregnancy, a fertilized egg grows in the uterus. If the pregnancy is ectopic, the egg is outside the uterine cavity. Most often, with an ectopic pregnancy, the ovum is in the fallopian tube, but it happens that it develops in the ovary, cervix, abdominal cavity, or even in the cervical canal.
Signs of an ectopic pregnancy
In 98% of cases of ectopic pregnancy, the ovum is implanted in the fallopian tube. Any form of ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms as uterine pregnancy:
- swelling of the mammary glands;
- cessation of menstruation;
- toxicosis.
In addition, with an ectopic pregnancy, a woman feels colic and severe pains in the lower abdomen, which intensify every day. Sometimes there may be unusual spotting that should not be confused with your period. Unfortunately, an embryo that begins to develop outside the uterine cavity has no chance of survival. A normal pregnancy can only take place in the uterine cavity, since it can stretch in size with the growth of the embryo, unlike the fallopian tube.
Why is an ectopic pregnancy dangerous?
This diagnosis is very dangerous for a woman, as it can lead to rupture of the organ on which the embryo develops.
Often a woman does not attach importance to any of the symptoms described above until there is severe cramping pain in the abdomen, which can even lead to loss of consciousness. The woman begins to feel severe weakness, which is caused by internal bleeding. In this case, do not hesitate, it is necessary to urgently take the woman to the hospital, where she will undergo the necessary surgical operation.
To avoid a disaster, you need to monitor your condition. If you have a delay, urgently go to the gynecologist, especially if it is accompanied by severe pains in the lower abdomen and incomprehensible bleeding.
Is it possible to detect an ectopic pregnancy by the hCG hormone?
This question is of interest to almost every woman. The answer here is unequivocal - it is impossible. After all, an ectopic pregnancy differs from a uterine one only in the wrong location of the embryo in the woman's body. In this case, hCG develops normally until the termination or termination of pregnancy.
How to tell if pregnancy is normal or ectopic?
It can only be determined by ultrasound. Therefore, if your pregnancy test is positive, the first thing to do is an ultrasound. The gynecologist first of all will look for an embryo in the uterine cavity, but if he does not find it there, then his searches will go to the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries and abdominal cavity. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the symptoms, especially if you feel sharp pains in the lower abdomen and you have strange discharge.
In no case delay the examination. Self-diagnosis, and even more so self-medication in this case is completely impossible!
How long can an ectopic pregnancy be detected?
To date, it is possible to diagnose pregnancy and its localization already a week after conception using ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor.
On a conventional ultrasound, an ectopic pregnancy can be determined for a period of four weeks. Even if the doctor does not see the embryo itself, he may be alerted by the seal in the fallopian tube, the fluid in the retinal space, the size of the uterus inappropriate for the given gestational age. And from the sixth week of pregnancy on ultrasound, you can clearly see the fetus itself.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy
It can be caused by various factors. Most often, women who have had an ectopic pregnancy have a history of abdominal surgery.
Also, the cause of such a pregnancy may be untreated endometriosis or obstruction of the fallopian tubes after infections and inflammations.
Doctors believe that the lack of the hormone estrogen in the body also negatively affects the patency of the fallopian tubes.
What is important to know?
No woman is immune from ectopic pregnancy. If you are in a risk group, you definitely need to be regularly examined by a gynecologist and carefully monitor the development of pregnancy in the early stages.
It is very important to identify an ectopic pregnancy as early as possible. If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, that is, before its catastrophic manifestation, then in most cases the embryo will be removed using the laparoscopic method, that is, through a small hole in the abdomen. At the same time, the risk of developing complications, such as secondary infertility and adhesions, is significantly reduced.
And, most importantly, do not despair. As scary as this diagnosis sounds, this is not the end, you still have a chance to give birth to a healthy baby in the future.
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