Salad Slimming Brush
Slimming Brush Salad is known to almost everyone who dreams of losing weight. The name of the salad is based on its effect: the abundance of fiber in vegetables enters the intestines, where it swells and, like a brush, cleans it from the accumulated toxins and excess cholesterol. The authorship of the salad is attributed to both Paul Bregu and other equally famous nutritionists of the early twentieth century.
Salad Slimming Brush: Recipe

There are a great many recipes for slimming brushes. All of them are united by a common idea - an abundance of vegetables with a high content of indigestible dietary fiber, a dressing consisting of olive oil and lemon juice, and no salt.
The classic recipe for slimming brushes salad is as follows: grate half a kilogram of celery, raw carrots and raw beets on a coarse grater and pour over the dressing. And in the recipe most common among our compatriots, celery is replaced with raw white cabbage. Sometimes balsamic vinegar is used as a dressing.
To improve the taste and aroma of the finished dish, you can add any greens to taste: dill, parsley, green onions. And some gourmets, instead of greens, put presoaked and chopped prunes into the Slimming Brush salad.
Another salad recipe Brush: grate beets, carrots and green apples. Add one finely chopped onion, steamed and chopped prunes and dried apricots, a handful of pomegranate seeds and cranberries. Season with lemon juice.
The following salad recipe is associated with exclusively Russian cuisine: radish is added to carrots and beets. All vegetables are rubbed on a coarse grater, herbs and garlic are added, seasoned with fragrant sunflower oil.
In spring and early summer, fresh radishes can be added to such a salad, and in summer and autumn, the Slimming Brush salad is prepared using bell peppers. Grate carrots and beets, chop white cabbage and add finely chopped onions. At the end, add diced multi-colored peppers, and season the salad with low-fat yogurt, garlic and dill.
It is also known that the inhabitants of Italy replace beets with radicchio salad.
Salad Slimming Brush: Results
The results from the Salad Slimming Brush are truly impressive. If the received one and a half kilograms of food is divided into 8-10 servings and distributed over one day, thus arranging unloading for the body, then on average, the loss of body weight will be at least one kilogram. At the same time, do not forget that the diet of such a fasting day will be rich in vitamins and minerals.

The effect of weight loss on the Brush salad is provided due to the fact that the body spends colossal energy, which exceeds the caloric content of vegetables, for the digestion and assimilation of nutrients contained in vegetables, that is, it spends its own energy depot reserves - fat deposits. Arranging a fasting day on a salad, Brush should pre-distribute a 1.5-kilogram portion by the hour, otherwise it may simply not be possible to eat it without a trace.
It is worth noting that energy consumption begins already at the cooking stage, since grating one and a half kilograms of raw vegetables is not so easy. In addition, it is consumed in considerable quantities during the chewing stage, especially considering the size of the resulting portions.
Also, rave reviews about the Slimming Brush salad are left by those who use this dish as an alternative to any other meal for dinner.
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