Senna slimming

The well-known senna leaf has traditionally been used in medicine as a laxative. The same effect is the basis for using senna for weight loss.
Senna herb for weight loss
Senna laxative is always present in various herbal preparations. Compared to other popular herbs that are traditionally used for weight loss, senna shows the most effective results. It is noticed that it not only removes excess water and waste products from the body, but also fat.
This herb quality is especially valuable in the modern world, where obesity has taken the form of an epidemic and often leads to the development of dangerous diseases - heart attacks, strokes, diabetes mellitus and others.
If you do not explore the numerous recipes, then in general senna for weight loss is drunk at night, half a glass every evening. Moreover, the course of such "treatment" should last no more than seven days. Senna can be used both independently and in combination with other plant materials. To improve the taste, honey, fruits, nuts, etc. can be added to the drink.
Senna laxative is believed to not only stimulate bowel contractions, but also inhibit fat absorption. In this case, the chair remains shaped, and bile secretion is somewhat enhanced. At the beginning of a weight loss course with the help of senna, mild colic in the abdomen may be felt, which quickly pass. The visual effect is observed quite quickly.
When using hay for weight loss, you should not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, since the herb contains resins, which in large quantities can cause nausea, vomiting, etc., due to significant irritation of the intestinal walls. You should also not increase the duration of the course, since in this case a deficiency in the body of valuable microelements may occur, which in turn causes disturbances in the heart rhythm and other pathological conditions.
Also, long-term use of senna will inevitably lead to addiction of the intestine to stimulation, which can subsequently develop chronic constipation. Senna is contraindicated for everyone who has diseases of the digestive system. Also, it should not be used during pregnancy. All others should consult a doctor before starting the course.
Senna leaves for weight loss

In order to minimize the risk to your own health from taking senna for weight loss, it is better to brew it with other medicinal herbs. Such tea can be an excellent option: mint, nettle, dandelion, parsley, dill and senna are mixed in equal proportions; a teaspoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for five hours. After that, the tea is filtered and drunk after each meal in small portions. No more than one glass of drink should be drunk per day, and the course lasts two weeks.
Two weeks later, the volume of the infusion is gradually brought to three glasses per day, and the total duration of the course should not exceed one month.
Senade for weight loss
Senna extract is the main active ingredient in a drug like Senade. Senade for weight loss has a laxative effect on the intestines, while not disturbing the digestive processes. Sometimes the principle of action of senade is compared to the mechanism of operation of activated carbon.
Senade diet pills begin to work after about eight hours after taking. Just like senna herb for weight loss, they increase intestinal motility. Likewise, the absorption of fats in the intestines decreases and the body gets rid of excess weight.
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