Hypothyroidism - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hypothyroidism - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hypothyroidism - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hypothyreosis [hypothyreosis; Greek hypo- - under, lowering, insufficiency + anatomical glandula thyreoidea - thyroid gland + Greek. -ōsis (word-image suffix) - disease; synonyms: hypothyroidism, Gall's disease] - thyroid insufficiency syndrome, manifested by bradycardia, edema of the face, trunk and extremities, neuropsychiatric disorders.

Types of hypothyroidism:

  • congenital (congenita: synonym: cretinism) - is distinguished by an extreme degree of mental and physical developmental delay due to a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the antenatal period;
  • secondary (secundaria) - caused by damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system, proceeding with a decrease in the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone;
  • primary (primaria) - arising as a result of surgical removal or damage by any pathological process of the thyroid parenchyma;
  • postoperative (postoperativa) - primary hypothyroidism that develops after operations on the thyroid gland.

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