Slimming Drink - Recipes, Reviews, Types

Slimming Drink - Recipes, Reviews, Types
Slimming Drink - Recipes, Reviews, Types

Slimming drink

Pokhudin tea - slimming drink
Pokhudin tea - slimming drink

A beautiful figure is the goal of many women and men around the world. The issue of excess weight is related to both cosmetology and practical medicine. Extra pounds not only worsen the appearance, but also contribute to the development of serious diseases. The higher the body weight, the more frequent diseases of the heart, blood vessels, joints, spine, reproductive system and metabolism occur. Of course, health problems mainly appear after 40 years, but even at a younger age, extra pounds interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs. Obesity is considered one of the diseases of civilization. This means that overweight is mainly found in urban residents who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity is extremely widespread in Russia. Ways to combat obesity are discussed a lot on the Internet. In this article, we will talk about slimming drinks.

The principles of using drinks for weight loss

In the broadest sense of the word, slimming drinks are any liquids that we consume in order to lose weight. A specific classification can be applied to these products. So, drinks are divided into those that are used instead of food, those that affect digestion and those that affect metabolism.

Drinking liquids instead of food can help reduce hunger. Ideally, it is advisable to use clean drinking water. This drink does not contain calories at all, it is absolutely safe and versatile. Water removes harmful breakdown products of adipose tissue from the body. Thus, by using water instead of food, you not only reduce the energy value of the diet, but also contribute to well-being on any diet.

Instead of food, you can also use other liquids: special slimming cocktails, protein drinks from sports nutrition, or just fermented milk products. All of these slimming drinks are very effective when drunk in place of dinner or even in place of several meals.

The group of slimming drinks that affect digestion is not very diverse. It is mainly made up of various slimming teas with a laxative effect. This drink helps to cleanse the intestines. You can also count on a decrease in the absorption of calories eaten and a slight deterioration in appetite. Slimming tea should not be consumed too often. In addition to indigestion, this method of losing weight is fraught with a decrease in the absorption of useful vitamins and minerals. In the future, after the abolition of laxative tea, constipation is likely to develop.

A separate group is slimming drinks that affect metabolism. Such fluids help to remove excess water from the body, improve metabolism, and increase the burning of adipose tissue during a diet. It is known that adipose tissue breaks down intensively only in the presence of certain vitamins, enzymes and trace elements. Slimming drinks can contain these substances, which means they can contribute to rapid and pronounced weight loss.

Recipes for drinks used instead of food

Instead of eating, you can use slimming drinks that do not require special recipes. Drinking water, fermented milk products are sold in any store. In relation to this group of drinks, the most important thing is their correct use.

Drink water for weight loss instead of food in the evening and a glass before breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. Choose dairy products only with a low fat content. During the day, you can drink 1-1.5 liters of kefir, yogurt, yogurt. These drinks can be taken in place of dinner, or even instead of food at all throughout the day.

As a healthy drink for weight loss, you can recommend a cocktail based on cottage cheese. Take 200 grams of low fat cottage cheese, a medium apple, and 100 grams of milk. Grate the apple. In a blender bowl, beat the cottage cheese and milk, add the grated apple, mix everything. This hearty weight loss drink will help you stay healthy and beautiful throughout any diet. You can drink it instead of dinner, or you can use it in the morning.

Laxative Slimming Drink Recipes

Slimming tea with a laxative effect can be purchased over the counter. Slimming drink recipes in this group usually consist of several components. Most often, the tea contains the Alexandrian leaf (senna) and buckthorn. You can make your own laxative tea from herbal raw materials purchased at the pharmacy. Slimming tea is infused for more than 10-15 minutes, you can drink it several times a day. The multicomponent slimming tea also includes diuretic herbs. Their long-term use is not desirable without the advice of a specialist.

Recipes for drinks that affect metabolism

Green tea - a drink for weight loss
Green tea - a drink for weight loss

These drinks for weight loss include green tea. Everyone knows the green tea recipe. Most importantly, remember that you need to brew the leaves of such tea with water at a temperature of about 70 degrees, and not boiling water.

Coffee also helps you lose weight. This drink contains antioxidants, which means it helps to fight the manifestations of aging in the body. Caffeine helps to maintain efficiency, vigor, and good mood. Do not overdo it, especially in the evening.

There are also multicomponent slimming drinks that help burn fat. For example, water with lemon, lime, mint and cucumber promotes active weight loss. To prepare such a drink, take 2 liters of drinking water, lime, lemon, cucumber, a bunch of mint, and ginger root. Pour water into a jar, add chopped lime and lemon. Grate the ginger and place it in the water too. The cucumber can be chopped with a knife or grated too. Then add the resulting mass to water. Chop the mint finely with a knife or tear it with your hands into small pieces, add to a container with water. Put the resulting lemonade in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Then drink for weight loss should be drunk half a glass every half hour or a little less often.

Slimming ginger drink is even more popular. To prepare it, take ginger root, mint, lemon, green tea. Ginger should be grated on a fine grater, pour over the juice of one lemon, add chopped mint and one tablespoon of green tea. Pour all these ingredients with boiled water at a temperature of about 70-80 degrees. The water should be about 2 liters. A slimming ginger drink should be infused for about an hour, then it can be consumed both warm and cold.

Slimming drinks reviews

Reviews of slimming drinks in most cases are positive. They are considered an auxiliary method for weight loss. Of course, in order to get rid of those extra pounds, you need to change your lifestyle and diet.

Slimming drinks can be helpful as an additional measure in the fight against excess weight. Drinks with lime and ginger have a healing and tonic effect. In addition, many people note their wonderful taste. Water, coffee, green tea, dairy products and cottage cheese cocktails can also play a role in the fight against extra pounds.

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