Celery Juice - Valuable Properties Of The Drink, Reviews, Benefits, Harm

Celery Juice - Valuable Properties Of The Drink, Reviews, Benefits, Harm
Celery Juice - Valuable Properties Of The Drink, Reviews, Benefits, Harm

Celery juice

Celery juice is a popular diet drink
Celery juice is a popular diet drink

Celery is one of the most popular plants for people seeking weight loss. It has a lot of useful properties and is consumed fresh, stewed, fried and boiled. But we all know that foods are absorbed best and fastest in the form of juices. The same goes for celery juice. Juices more quickly penetrate the human body, filling its cells with useful properties and additional energy, penetrate the lymph and blood.

Freshly squeezed celery juice tastes quite specific, so it is often drunk, diluted with other fruit or vegetable juices. Pure juice, as a rule, is consumed in small quantities - one teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

Benefits of celery juice

Judging by the reviews, celery juice is a very popular product for people looking to lose weight. In addition, it has many of the health benefits of celery itself. It is important to note that freshly squeezed juice contains even those useful substances that, as a rule, are destroyed as a result of thermal processing of products.

The high content of ascorbic acid makes celery juice an excellent remedy for colds and respiratory diseases, increases the body's resistance to infections and strengthens the immune system. In addition, ascorbic acid removes nicotine well from the body, therefore, the undoubted benefits of celery juice will also be for smokers.

Celery contains provitamin A, B vitamins, nicotinic acid, tocopherol. A number of minerals are no less impressive: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron. And the list is complemented by carbohydrates, valuable amino acids, essential oils, fiber and flavonoids. These substances are extremely necessary for the body, therefore, according to reviews, celery juice is able to fill the lack of these substances in the body, which significantly improves the condition of hair and skin, and strengthens the immune system.

Regular consumption of celery juice helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition and circulation, lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, makes blood vessels less permeable and more elastic.

In addition, according to reviews, celery juice is a strong aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire in women and increases potency in men. It is recommended to use this valuable drink for prostatitis.

Celery juice has a positive effect on the nervous system, promotes relaxation, minimizes the effects of stress, soothes, gives energy, increases physical endurance and mental performance.

Calorie content of celery juice - 8 kcal per 100 g
Calorie content of celery juice - 8 kcal per 100 g

There will be no harm from celery juice and for the digestive tract, as it promotes the production of gastric juice, has a mild laxative, diuretic and carminative effect. It is also noteworthy that the drink does not load the body with calories at all, but on the contrary, the body spends additional energy from its reserves to assimilate nutrients from celery, therefore, according to reviews, celery juice is very effective for losing weight.

Celery essential oil has antimicrobial effect, so the benefits of celery juice lie not only in its use, but simply in inhaling its aroma.

It is also worth noting another valuable property of this juice - the regulation of water-salt metabolism. The high content of calcium, sodium, potassium salts allows you to establish many processes in the body. Lack of sodium, for example, negatively affects joint mobility. In addition, organic sodium is good for blood and prevents the formation of blood clots, preventing the development of stroke, thrombophlebitis, heart attack.

Celery juice will not harm you for cosmetic purposes. Juice-based masks perfectly soften and rejuvenate the skin, relieve inflammation, rashes and acne, and improve the complexion. It is useful to rub celery juice into the scalp as well. It improves hair growth and prevents excessive hair loss, leaving hair thick, lush and beautiful.

Some even use celery juice against smoking by drinking a daily shake consisting of 30 ml of carrot juice, 20 g of mint syrup, 50 ml of celery juice and 10 ml of lemon juice.

Contraindications to celery juice

Not only benefit, but in some cases, and harm celery juice can bring. So, for example, celery juice is contraindicated in acute forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

A contraindication to celery juice is also advanced age and the third trimester of pregnancy, as it tones the uterus.

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