The benefits of celery

Celery belongs to those products, the benefits of which are beyond doubt. It is included in many diets due to its unique properties as well as its pleasant spicy taste. It is no secret that diet food is often bland, and the benefit of celery is that it allows you to give dishes the necessary light pungency and spice, in addition, its taste has a pronounced freshness, which is indispensable in winter, when there is so little fresh vegetables in the diet. …
All parts of this vegetable can be eaten. The greens and stems are very good in fresh salads, the root can also be grated and used raw in a salad, or the root and tops make a fine dietary celery puree soup. This nondescript vegetable is so loved by nutritionists that they are ready to write odes about the benefits of celery.
Its antimicrobial properties have long been known. They appear both when applied externally and when taken internally. Outwardly, you can apply washed whole or crushed leaves, or gruel from a grated root to cuts and purulent wounds - purulent wounds are cleared and healed faster. When celery is taken inside, the putrefactive microflora of the intestine dies.
Another benefit of celery is that it contains a large amount of fiber, which also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, in particular, on its timely emptying. Also, thanks to fiber, celery provides a feeling of fullness for a long time, which is important for those who adhere to a calorie-restricted diet. The essential oils contained in celery normalize the digestion process.
Celery contains a large amount of vitamins, in particular, this product is one of the champions in the content of vitamin C. Its daily use

improves metabolism so much that it is highly recommended to include it in the diet of people with diabetes. The benefits of celery are invaluable in the fight against atherosclerosis, since the use of any of its parts helps to remove cholesterol deposits.
Speaking about the benefits of celery, one cannot fail to mention that in the old days it was considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is difficult to say if celery actually enhances potency, although considering all the positive effects on health, this would not be surprising. But celery helps to fight the aging of the body for sure. Do you want to be young and healthy? Be sure to include this invaluable vegetable in your diet.
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